Climate change and over-exploitation have brought significant threats to biodiversity and the wealth of natural resources in many countries. Concerningly, the resistance and regenerative power of many ecosystems and their resources are limited. Consequently, it is important that countries effectively manage their natural resources to ensure disaster risk reduction and to preserve ecosystems thus providing a better quality of human life.
In light of this, we support organizations and governments in the development and enhancement of policies, sector-related legislation and institutional set-ups aimed at realizing the sustainable use of, and access to, natural resources and protecting unique landscapes and ecosystems. Our studies and consultancies in the field of forest management, water, energy, land, waste management, climate change, and green solutions, among other aspects, support the Government in its pursuit of sustainable urban development, energy security, and economic growth.
We evaluate the effectiveness of DRR/DRM actions, and support donors and governments in building-up the resilience of local populations in hazard-prone areas to better prepare for, mitigate, and respond to natural disasters. We contribute to the development/strengthening of DRM systems and ensure that internationally-recognized standards are reflected in national-level policies.
By conducting vulnerability and capacity needs assessment and analysis, we contribute to building informed and skilled communities, making them better prepared to respond to emergencies.
With rapid population growth and urbanization, waste generation is expected to increase in many countries. Among these, developing countries are most severely affected by unsustainable waste management, which leads to serious health, safety, and environmental consequences as well as accelerating global climate change. Managing waste effectively is an essential component of building viable and livable cities, and in achieving sustainable urban development.
With the assistance of donors , ACT supports governments to improve the regulatory and legislative environment as well as forming internationally-recognized waste management systems and waste disposal practices. The research and consultancy services provided are designed to support the modernization and enhancement of waste collection, sorting, transportation, recovery, and disposal practices. Improved practices, in turn, lead to reduced pollution of soils, surface and ground water, and air.
Achieving environmental and social sustainability, as well as gender equality, are fundamental principles of our interventions. Accordingly, these are mainstreamed into our donor/government programs and projects.
With this in mind, we consult public and private sector actors working in energy, infrastructure, mining, and other industries, to design and implement interventions that minimize the impact on local communities and comply with requisite environmental, health, and safety standards. This assures that any substantial negative environmental, gender and/or social risks and adverse impacts are avoided, minimized, mitigated, and/or managed throughout the intervention.