
What drinks Baku residents prefer to quensh their thirst in hot summer days?

14.07.2017 1 Min Read
What drinks Baku residents prefer to quensh their thirst in hot summer days?

“ACT Azerbaijan” presents results of the survey it conducted on April 19 – May 1 in Baku city.

Simultaneously with the arrival of summer Baku residents start talking too much about the weather and weather forecast for each day. Everyone, from seven to seventy complain about the hot weather. This is the “topic of summer” for all in Baku through tens decades. Interestingly, what helps Bakuvians kill their thirst during hot summer days?

Still water is the best choice against thirst among vast majority of Baku residents (76 %). Half of the people (48 %) drink tea to get rid of thirst. One fifth of Bakuvians consume stewed fruit or flavored fizzy drinks for this purpose (each 20%). Thirst is killed by sparkled water for 16% of Baku people. Buttermilk comes to help 17% of city residents. While 12% of people prefer natural juice to quench the thirst of summer, beer is the choice of only 3%.

Survey was conducted via phone among 400 respondents in Baku city on on April 19th – May 1st. Incorrectness rate of the survey is 4.9 % maximum.

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ACT Azerbaijan presents the results of survey conducted on July 17-21 in Baku.

According to survey, 59% of respondents visited doctor during last year. 78% of visitors applied due to sickness, 34% for preventive examination. 76%  of respondents visited state hospitals, 56% private clinics. Top five visited doctors by patients include dentist (26.4%), gynecologist (22.4%), therapeutist (20%), cardiologist (14%) and neuropathist (13%).

The least visited medical spheres are dermatology (0.8%), oncology (0.2%) and pediatry (0.2%). 2.3% of respondents applied for ultrasound scan, 5.6% for laboratory and 0.5% for physiotherapy. 70% of survey participants were satisfied with provided medical service. Respondents totally dissatisfied with doctors and services constitited 29%.

Based on 62.5% of respondents, it's possible to receive high quality medical service in medical centers located in Baku. 25.3% didn't agree with this opinion. The percentage of survey participants going abroad due to health problems is 7%. Those respondents generally prefer to visit Turkey (31%), Russia (22.2%), Iran (13%), Germany (9%) for treatment.

Survey was conducted among 400 respondents by phone on July 17-21 in Baku.