ACT Azerbaijan to present Omnibus project

ACT Azerbaijan to present Omnibus project

‘Omnibus’ is a so-called project, which is the type of quantitative research putting a number of companies together. The distinctive feature of this project is that the companies would save their time and budget spent for the marketing researches. Any company joining ‘Omnibus’ project would be able to achieve the results which will contribute to the development of its business in a less time and for cheaper price. Under this project, a company presents in advance the questions of its interest and receives the quantitative research results after four weeks. Each company can present any number of questions to the project or can make selection among the ready indexes.  All the questions presented by the companies and the research results are kept confidential. Moreover, demographic indicators received as a result of the surveys are presented to the companies free of charge.

Along with the ‘Omnibus’ project, ‘ACT Azerbaijan’ also launched an official YouTube channel. The channel will become functional from May and will broadcast exclusive interviews with foreign and local marketing experts of Azerbaijan and footages on marketing and marketing researches. Furthermore, the surveys will be presented in the video form as a follow-up of ‘Newsletter’ (Public opinion survey) project.

The presentation was made on April 19, 2017 in ‘JW Marriott Absheron Baku hotel. The event was attended by the representatives of local and foreign companies.

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