ACT started implementation of the project in Tanzania. The project which is commissioned by VisionFund International serves to increase accessibility of agro loans offered by micro finance organization for local farmers.
Apart from Africa, international fund VisionFund International implements projects in Asia, Latin America and Europe as well while agriculture represents its one of TOP priority fields. ACT has a long history of working in agro sector. ACT team started implementation of the mentioned project in March and it is planned to be finished in the end of May.
“Implementation of the project in Tanzania is an important success for our company which aims at expanding its work on international markets. Regardless the fact that our offices have been operating in Baku and Almaty for years now, we also implement projects in Eastern European countries, we have experience in working in Central European countries as well but implementation of the project in Africa is an unique opportunity for us to get known with a completely new market and actively offer them our research and consulting services. This project made us see that our country has a chance to expand export of intellectual capital outside Georgia even in less explored counties of Africa”. Rusudan Telia, Executive director of ACT.
Analysis and consulting team ACT has been represented on the research and consulting market for more than 15 years. Its regional offices have been operating in Azerbaijan since 2010 and in Kazakhstan since 2014. The company implements projects in more than 20 countries in the field of business as well as development projects.
ცვლილებების მნიშვნელობა ორგანიზაციებში - თინათინ რუხაძე საქართველოს ბანკის ახალ ბიზნესკურსს გაუძღვება
გლობალური შეთანხმების საქართველოს ქსელის გამგეობას ACT-ის უფროსი პარტნიორი, სოფო ჩაჩანიძე უხელმღვანელებს
ACT Global - Become a Focal Point: Information Webinar