Media Party to bring together mass media representatives

Media Party to bring together mass media representatives

“ACT Azerbaijan” gathered the representatives of local media together on the occasion of July 22 National Press Day. The “Media Party”, organized in one of the entertainment centres, was attended by the representatives of the leading media outlets.

The aim of this event was not only to celebrate the national Press day together, but also to inform the journalists regarding the professional research and surveys they refer to during their work process. An interesting moment was about the identification of the topics of the next “Newsletter” social survey of “ACT Azerbaijan” by the very journalists. After the discussion of the topics of interest, the journalists presented their offers. The research company will consider these suggestions and after 2 months will share with the media the results, once the professional survey is conducted on the basis of the journalists’ questions.

Party also accompanied with bowling competition among the participants. The employee of “Adalat” newspaper – Subhan Mahmudov, who overcame his colleagues, was awarded by “ACT Azerbaijan”.

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