
Baku citizens prefer to read detective genre

21.09.2016 1 Min Read
Baku citizens prefer to read detective genre

ACT  Azerbaijan is presenting the result of survey conducted in Baku on the 11-14th of September.

47% of repondentes haven’t read fiction during a past year, 15% read once a month and 13% read once a year. 63 %  of respondentes haven’t read non-fiction books during a year. The percentage of daily readers is 14%. 17 % of respondentes read religious books every day, 57% haven’t read anything about religion during the past year. 31% of respondentes mostly prefer to read detective genre. 24% of people, who participated in the survey, read a book about love, 22% read about history. Young (between 18-34 ages) and old (more than 55 years old) generation mostly like to read detective genre (accordingly 35% and 30%).  Historical novels are more attractive for middle aged (between 35-54 ages) people.

Within a year 55% of readers have read Azerbaijani literature, 24% read foreign literature translated into Azeri language, 18% of respondentes read literature translated into Russian language. People, who like to read foreign literature, prefer to read Russian (63%), English (23%), Turkish (7%) and Arabian (5%) authors’ books.31% of foreign novel readers are satisfied with the translation into Azeri, but 16% on the contrary, are not satisfied. 36% of people who participated in the survey read books in electron form. 51% of this factor consists of 18-34 aged readers. 83% of people in the survey prefer to read from books adhering to the tradition.

This survey has been conducted among 400 respondents via phone calling in Baku on 11-14 September.

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ACT Azerbaijan presents results of survey conducted on July 17-21 in Baku.

Internet users and their purpose

54.4% of respondents use internet during a day. The most active users (77.6%) are young generation (18-34 age group). Majority of respondents of 55 and older age don't use internet at all (73.6%).

77.3% of respondents participating in the survey use internet for reading news and getting new information. People communicating with their friends  are 52.6%.  Respondents listening music and watching movies via internet constitute 48.3%.

Social network users

Facebook is the most popular among social network users. 28.7% of respondents use exactly this social network. Leader among users are of 55 and older age group respondents  (41.6%). Instagram is on the second place (9.4%). 13.2 % of young people use this social network. Users "looking for classmates" in Odnoklassniki are 2%, communicating in Vkontakte are 1.5%. Totally, 0.8% of survey participants is Twitter users.

Youtube video users are 2.2%. Respondents of middle age group (35-54) mostly use portal (6.5%).

Whatsapp users yielded higher results in the survey. 54.4% of respondents use whatsapp application. Representatives of middle age group (35-54) generally use whatsapp (56%).

Female respondents participating in the survey mainly use Whatsapp (71.4 %), Facebook (52.3%), Instagram (40.2%) programs and social network.

Males prefer  to use Facebook (68.6%), Whatsapp (54.3%), Instagram (44.3%).

84% of respondents have internet access at home. 64.7% of respondents use internet pack provided by mobile operators for internet access.

Survey was conducted among 400 respondents by phone on July 17-21 in Baku.


ACT Azerbaijan presents survey results conducted on July 17-21 in Baku.

According to survey, majority of respondents visit bazars (70%) for buying clothes. Shopping centers are on the second place with 39% of votes. Expensive boutique visitors are on the third place with 13.4% of votes. Respondents purchasing clothes at stores apart from shopping centers constitute 10%. Online shopping joined the rank with 7.8% of votes. Respondents going abroad for shopping are 4%.

Survey participants visiting bazars for clothes are mainly old generation. Therefore, people of 65 and older age go to bazars for buying clothes (89.4%). Young generation (18-24) basically visit shopping centers (36.4%).  Representatives of middle age group (35-44) prefer boutiques (10.2%) or foreign countries (8.5%) for purchasing clothes.

Based on the survey, most respondents go to bazars (65.3%) for shoe purchase. Respondents preferring shopping centers are 32.7%. Survey participants who buy shoes from expensive boutiques are 13.6%. Brand stores apart from shopping centers are preferred by 11,4% of respondents. 5.8% of respondents buy shoes online.

Old generation purchase shoes from bazars. Respondents of 65 and older age generally buy shoes from bazars (89.4%). Young generation (18-24) prefers shopping centers (31%) and brand stores located apart from malls (7.5%). Respondents purchasing shoes online are of 18-34 age group. Survey participants of 35-44 age group  purchase shoes from boutiques (12.4%) and foreign countries (8.5%).

Survey was conducted among 400 respondents by phone on July 17-21 in Baku.