“ACT Azerbaijan” presents results of the survey it conducted on April 19 – May 1 in Baku city.
Most of the Baku residents leave their homes for Absheron seaside villages simultaneously with the start of May when the Sun starts warming the ground. Calm winter days of Absheron are replaced by buoyant, crowdy summer season due to the massive flow of people to seaside suburb villages. Seaside villas pose to be the best place for getting rid of the winter cold and working stress.
Results of our survey revealed that only one fourth (23 %) of Baku residents own suburb mansions, while the rest are dreaming to have a villa close to the blue seawater and golden beach sand.
Mardakan, a suburb village in northern Absheron is an ideal location for 18% of surveyed residents. One of the most beautiful seaside villages Novkhani comes in at number two (16 %), while Bilgah, once boasting worlwide famous Jumeirah hotel complex, is the third most desired place for a suburb house (9 %). Buzovna (6 %), Shuvalan (5 %), Pirshagi (3 %) are also among best places as for the Baku people. Some 13 % of respondents said location for a suburb mansion doesn’t matter to them. There are only 5 who are satisfied with their urban life and not interested in having an outskirt house.
The rest of respondents prefered to spend summer days in other Absheron villages, including Turkan, Zagulba, Fatmayi and others.
Survey was conducted via phone among 400 respondents in Baku city on on April 19th – May 1st. Incorrectness rate of the survey is 4.9 % maximum.