მცირე და საშუალო საწარმოების გაციფრულების მხარდაჭერის პროგრამა
Project Supporting Digitalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
ცოდნის, დამოკიდებულებების და ქცევის (KAP) კვლევის განხორციელება
Implementation of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Survey on Social Protection Programs & Services in Georgia
Needs Assessment for Emergency Medical Team (EMT) Establishment and Functioning in Georgia and Armenia
Household Survey Implementation of the Rapid Assistive Technology Assessment (rATA) in Georgia
Implementation of the Model Disability Survey (MDS) in Georgia
Evaluation of the Public Administration Reform in Georgia
Overview Of Georgia’s BPO Sector
VET Institutions Capacity Development Program
Environmental, Gender and Social Impact Analysis (EGSIA) and Risk Management and Sustainability Plan (RMSP) of Green Mountain Tourism and Organic Agriculture (GRETA)