ACT Azerbaijan presents the results of survey conducted on July 17-21 in Baku.
According to survey, 59% of respondents visited doctor during last year. 78% of visitors applied due to sickness, 34% for preventive examination. 76% of respondents visited state hospitals, 56% private clinics. Top five visited doctors by patients include dentist (26.4%), gynecologist (22.4%), therapeutist (20%), cardiologist (14%) and neuropathist (13%).
The least visited medical spheres are dermatology (0.8%), oncology (0.2%) and pediatry (0.2%). 2.3% of respondents applied for ultrasound scan, 5.6% for laboratory and 0.5% for physiotherapy. 70% of survey participants were satisfied with provided medical service. Respondents totally dissatisfied with doctors and services constitited 29%.
Based on 62.5% of respondents, it's possible to receive high quality medical service in medical centers located in Baku. 25.3% didn't agree with this opinion. The percentage of survey participants going abroad due to health problems is 7%. Those respondents generally prefer to visit Turkey (31%), Russia (22.2%), Iran (13%), Germany (9%) for treatment.
Survey was conducted among 400 respondents by phone on July 17-21 in Baku.