“ACT” – “Business Cafe” sponsor
On June 20, a business meeting was held in the restaurant “Lolita”, which was led by the founder of the company “Mirza Studio” Levan Bachia speaking about “mirror” – the marketing, managerial and philosophical awakening. One of the important themes offered by him was one of the defining successes that might require change today.
Business Cafe is a project initiated by consulting company “Inorgos”, sponsored by the company “ACT” since February 2017. For the purpose of sharing their knowledge and experiences, the meetings are regularly attended by medium and large companies managers.
Sopho Chachanidze, Senior Partner at ACT, has been appointed as a new board director of the Global Compact Georgia Network.
ACT Global - Become a Focal Point: Information Webinar
ACT Portfolio Leads at High-Level World Urban Forum 2024 (#WUF12)