Presentation of the ACT Organizational Transformation Model at the TBC Concept

Presentation of the ACT Organizational Transformation Model at the TBC Concept

On May 31st, Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT Co-founder and Vision Lead, presented Organizational Transformation Model - The POWER of THREE® at the TBC Concept meeting.

In the course of the meeting, the presenter discussed the necessity and importance of transformation, meaning that in current reality only those organizations are supposed to survive and grow which see development as a process of constant transformation.

During the presentation of POWER3, Tinatin Rukhadze, in her talk touched upon the certain symptoms of delay in the development of the organization, as a vivid call for transformation:

  • The slowdown in the growth rate / limiting the company size, decreasing profitability, the outflow of valuable staff
  • "Unsettled" issues related to products’ development and introduction of innovations
  • Stagnation, "walking in a circle" or reversal as felt by the leadership.

The Transformational Model implies 20 years of successful experience of ACT in cooperation with Georgian and foreign organizations and their leaders.

The format of the meeting was interactive and it was attended by up to 60 representatives of the business.

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