Feasibility Study on the New VET System Coordination and Set-Up
About the Project
The overall goal of the project entitled Supporting E-waste Management Capacity Development in Georgia (hereinafter, the sub-project) is to continue supporting Georgia in its implementation of the Waste Management Code (WMC), which was adopted in December 2014, in which a number of new requirements were imposed on various public and private organizations. More specifically, the sub-project aims to support the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle defined by the WMC with a specific focus on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Georgia.
Our Role
ACT created a dataset of waste collectors throughout Georgia. A map of informal and formal operators was created using a GIS format and was subsequently shared with the main stakeholders to implement further policy planning and communication activities. Moreover, the project evolved the dissemination of information among operators regarding upcoming regulatory policy issues and the new requirements of the WMC.
Project Outcome(s)
GEO developed an outreach strategy to communicate with waste aggregators.