
Feasibility Study on the New VET System Coordination and Set-Up

Feasibility Study on the New VET System Coordination and Set-Up
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Date: 21.02.2025 Finished



About the project

The study of a new VET system’s coordination and set-up for Georgia referred to the bottlenecks in VET development with regard to enticing more business and local government engagement, and improving decision-making and removing inefficiencies.

Our Role

In the scope of the assignment, the ACT conducted a feasibility study on the current vocational education system of Georgia, analyzed best international practices, and developed three development scenarios. The scenarios were presented to a wide range of the stakeholders and final recommendations, including a financial analysis, were presented based on the feedback received from the stakeholders. 

Project Outcome(s)

The three scenarios proposed in the study were all designed to improve VET coordination and to lay the foundations for intra-industry partnership as well as to develop VET programs keeping pace with current labor market requirements. Attaining excellence in vocational education and training, perceived as one of the key instruments for economic development, specifically in developing countries, will allow Georgia to obtain a high-quality workforce to compete globally in the future.