According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June, 2018, when purchasing food products, every third resident of Tbilisi (33%) almost always tries to find out whether the product is genetically modified or not, while the same quantity (30%) never pays attention to this issue.
It is quite interesting that origin of food products is more important for women than for men – women pay more attention whether the product is genetically modified or not and compared to men, more women think that this kind of food is harmful for health.
In general, genetically modified product is believed to be very harmful for health by the majority of Tbilisi residents (74%). However, it is quite interesting that level of concern increases together with older age – elder citizens are more concerned that genetically modified food products are sold on the market.
* The survey was conducted in Tbilisi among 400 adult residents using random selection technique, on June 2-3, 2018. The statistical margin of error ranges from 3.0% to 6.5%. Utilized research method – FTF interview.