If there is no progress, regression takes place. For us, stability is not stagnation, but rather sustainable development. We believe that in this modern reality only those organizations that see development as a continuous process will survive and grow.
Any symptom showing that development is being hindered through the slowing down of the pace of growth can result in a decrease in profitability, the outflow of valuable human resources, an increase in “unsolved” problems related to product development and innovations, and leadership feeling stagnation, or regress. These are all undoubtedly signs of a need for a new transformation.
We have come up with a unique model of transforming an organization - POWER3® (THE POWER OF THREE®), which gives our clients much-needed support to move to the following phase on the development spiral.
POWER3® Model
We perceive an organization as a mini model of the universe which is driven by three main powers: the power of creation, the power of order, and the power of change. The balance and combination of these three powers create an order of the universe while imbalance among them can result in chaos.
The number three can be considered as a universal number, while for us it is a natural way to perceive reality: space is three-dimensional, and time also has three tenses – the past, present and future. Triads, as a principle to explain the order of the universe, are often incorporated into various mathematical, religious, or philosophic tractates: whether this is the Christian Holy Trinity, Hindu Trimurti, Mesopotamian Triad, Trinity of Plato, etc. We can find an analog of three powers in humans as well: thinking, emotion, and action. What all those concepts have in common is that despite each of the powers being crucially important, only their unity creates entirety.
This vision and belief system act as a foundation of our unique approach which we named the POWER3®. In an organizational context, we believe that three main powers for the development and success of an organization are: (1) vision – the power of creation, (2) culture – the power of order, and (3) execution – the power of change.
THE POWER OF THREE® - Key Principles
What makes our model unique is that it is construed on three key principles:
I I Balance of Powers |
Companies are often overly focused on achieving short-term goals and the effectiveness of enforcement, as many believe this will bring them success. As a result, the importance of a long-term vision and organizational values are leveled. It is also worth mentioning that the majority of the existing business development models and matrices are particularly focused on enforcement and offer organizations mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of this process. While our model is unique as an organization’s vision and culture are leveled with the importance of enforcement. Respectively, the approaches and mechanisms we offer envisage equally focusing on all three domains in the process of transformation. |
We believe that an organization achieves its main purpose and best results only if there is congruence with these three domains (vision, culture, enforcement) and that they work in harmony. On the contrary, if an organization has dissonance in all three domains or if any of the domains are being neglected, the long-term perspective of this company is doomed for failure. For example, if an organization does not have a vision or a determined mission, but has a good organizational climate and is effective in terms of enforcement, this means it is “a sad and demotivated” company. If it has a vision and resources but does not have a culture supporting humans and a clear vision, then it is “an aggressive and exhausted” company. And if a company has a clear vision and a supportive environment, but does not have respective resources, systems and is weak in enforcement, it will soon turn into “a frustrated and insecure company”. |
III Permanence of Powers
In organizational development, there is no phase whereby any of these three powers becomes less important or unnecessary.
We establish approaches that make an organization’s leadership think more and make decisions based on these three dimensions. In other words, POWER3® is not only transformational, but the management model of the organization assists leadership in making congruent, consistent, and effective decisions, which serve the sustainable development of the company.
POWER3® Methodology
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The working process of the POWER3® model consists of nine stages. Each stage has multiple components. Considering the size and degree of the transformation of the organization, a complete transformation cycle can last from six to 24 months. |
THE POWER OF THREE® - Working Approaches
In the working process, ACT consultants and analysts are integrated in the organization’s transformative team as reliable and long-term partners. The main working format – team working sessions (1-2 or 3-4 day workshops) – involves every member of the transformational team. However, in some cases, considering the task, ACT consultants and analysists may need to cooperate with one of several members of the transformational team.
ACT’s main responsibility is to help organizations’ transformational teams in making effective decisions and implementing changes. The main measure of ACT’s performance is the success rates of companies. Respectively, our team is oriented on achieving very specific, tangible and measurable results.
On the one hand, we ask companies to adjust to rather long and consistent work (6-24 months) and on the other, we approach work in quite an agile way – we divide the process in short-term stages or “sprints”, define its goals, criteria of assessing outcomes and then focus on the success of the process.
Success achieved in short-term sprints empowers the client with the following: patience and energy required for transformation, a feeling of effectiveness and success, and the opportunity to better plan further steps.
These working principles in combination with the unique philosophy of THE POWER OF THREE® enable ACT to fulfill its special role of transforming good companies into great ones.
POWER3® Results – from Good to Great company
Unique philosophy, model and working principles of THE POWER OF THREE® enables ACT to play particular role in the transformation of its clients. As a result of POWER3®, signs of organization’s transformation are vivid and clear and look as follows:
- Leadership and employees lit with the feeling of mission
- Focus on consumers and creating maximal values for them
- Agreed vision and priorities, effective decisions
- Achieving the set goals, growth and development
- Organizational values and norms of the conduct that are respective and shared by every employee
- Establishment of self-confidence, development and success mindset in leadership
- Boost in creativity and innovativeness
- Improvement of financial indicators.
- Processes for people and results instead of process for process
POWER3® is a power of changes that helps organizations become more resilient to new challenges, increases their readiness and openness to new opportunities. We believe that, exactly these qualities, paired with the feeling of exclusiveness of their mission, turn good companies into great companies.