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Social Inclusion & Transformation

Social Inclusion & Transformation

  • Gender studies

Gender studies is a cross-cutting issue and an important pillar in ACT’s work. We understand that addressing gender dynamics is essential for creating meaningful and sustainable change across diverse fields. We conduct comprehensive gender analysis in collaboration with local experts and international consultants, partnering with various organizations to explore local gender norms and practices. This approach enables us to gather robust evidence and insights, empowering civil society and policymakers to make informed decisions to refine existing practices and regulations. Explore how to integrate gender perspectives into your work, striving for inclusivity, equity, and empowerment for all.

  • Labour Market & Migration

Our team specializes in the intersection of labor market dynamics and migration, providing our partners with insights and strategies to navigate this complex landscape. ACT along with local and international experts conducts thorough research and analysis on workforce trends, migration patterns, and their implications for businesses and communities. By collaborating with industry leaders and leveraging sound expertise, we develop tailored solutions that enhance stakeholders' ability to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Join us to create pathways for innovation and foster sustainable growth in the labor market.

  • Healthcare & Social Protection

We recognize that effective healthcare and social protection are vital for driving social inclusion and transformation. We are dedicated to advancing healthcare and social protection initiatives at local and international levels. By utilizing robust methodologies, we identify systemic barriers and evaluate the impact of interventions, ensuring that our strategies are evidence-based and tailored to community needs. By partnering with local stakeholders and leveraging data-driven insights, we develop targeted strategies that enhance service delivery and promote equity. Our ultimate goal is to create impactful solutions that improve health outcomes and strengthen social protections for all.

  • Education & Skills Development

We believe that quality education plays a key role in contributing to improvement of living conditions and minimizing level of poverty. ACT team works with government institutions, donor-funded projects, and large businesses to raise their effectiveness by identifying capacity-building needs and delivering relevant trainings, knowledge-sharing, team-building, and coaching schemes. We develop evidence-based and tailored approaches to help our partners to do their jobs competently, at a greater capacity, and in a sustainable manner.

How we can help clients

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