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Research & Evaluation

Research & Evaluation

We specialize in generating evidence to provide governments, donors, development partners and private sector with context-specific insights essential for improving the design, implementation, and assessment of policies, programs, services and procucts. Our tailored evidence supports various stages of the policy cycle, including:

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL): We deliver diverse MEL approaches focused on understanding effective policies and programs.

  • Data Innovation: Using modern data science techniques, we enhance our MEL and research capabilities, positioning us at the forefront of the emerging data innovation ecosystem.
  • Research & Research Management: Our expertise in strategic design, management, and evaluation of research programs helps partners maximize value and impact from their investments.

We work closely with our in-house sector teams and leverage our national and regional Research & Evidence teams to bridge the gap between evidence and practice, providing sector-relevant, evidence-based advice for lasting positive change.

How we can help clients