Anna Katashvili
Consultant, Digital Strategy
Anna Katashvili has extensive experience in the field of digital strategy and digital marketing. She possesses a Master's degree in International Management from the University of Buckingham and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Georgia's School of Business and Administrative Sciences. Her academic endeavors have primarily focused on researching digital transformations for a period of three years, during which she has also authored multiple publications.
Currently, Anna serves as a digital strategy consultant at ACT.

The digital landscape is undergoing a fundamental shift. While platforms have long been at the heart...

ტექნოლოგიური ინოვაციების ეპოქაში, როდესაც ინდუსტრიები უპრეცედენტო ტემპით განიცდიან ცვლილებებს, გარდა...

As the world increasingly transitions to a digital landscape, businesses are compelled to adapt, evo...

When it comes to powerful storytelling in advertising, few stages are as prominent as the Olympics. ...

In the dynamic landscape of the digital economy, businesses increasingly recognize the need for digi...

თანამედროვე ბიზნეს გარემოს მუდმივი ევოლუციის ფონზე, რისკის კონცეფციამ რევოლუცია განიცადა. ეს პარადიგ...

"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." - William Shakespeare ...

“How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?” ...

Changes in consumer needs and the business environment, as well as the rapid development of...