Rusudan Telia
Senior management-consultant (organisational psychology, mental health)
Rusudan Telia is the co-founder and cultural leader of the ACT consulting company. Since the founding of ACT, Rusudan has held the positions of Head of Analytics, Chief Operating Officer, and Head of Social Research at various times. Since 2015, she has held the position of executive director of the company, and since 2020 she has been a leader in organizational culture.
Rusudani has a Master's degree in Psychology from Tbilisi State University. In 2017, she was awarded the status of an Ericsson International Coach. Since 2001, Rusudan, as an expert researcher, has actively collaborated in evaluating projects of various international organizations (Eurasia Foundation, Open Society Georgia Foundation, World Vision, Unicef). She was also directly involved in projects within the framework of the Education and Self-Government Reform, the Program for the Development of Child Care Standards.

From the point of view of relationship psychology, our lives are largely determined by the style of ...

The complexity, ambiguity and rapid change of the modern world are the biggest challenges for both i...

„Culture is not just one aspect of the game – It is the game. In the end, an organization is no...