What kind of service does modern consumer want? - this is one of the most important questions everyone engaged in service field is concerned with. On highly competitive and mostly saturated market, high quality – consumer-favorite service may become company’s advantage.
After years and years of research done by our company and analyzing feedback provided by consumers of various fields, it turns out that according to modern consumer, formula of high quality service is as follows: being friendly + professionalism + attentiveness + hard work +speed.
- Being friendly – naturally benevolent personnel / environment
- Professionalism – professional staff / properly functioning operational system
- Attentiveness – true expression of empathy in the process of providing service and desire to help, individual approach to consumers
- Hard work – staff members who do their job with love and enthusiasm, who are patriotic – love the company they work for
- Speed- quick service / minimized bureaucracy
Naturally, the said factors have different weights of importance in assessing service in various fields. For example, speed can be critically important in the field of fast food, retail trade, while the same consumer may consider professionalism as the most important factor in medical, insurance, banking fields.
Nowadays, service field representatives face quite a big challenge – how to improve quality of service to gain competitive advantage on the market. In order to tackle this challenge, we offer companies two strong instruments: quality service monitoring carried out through mystery shopper method and consumer satisfaction study. Assessments provided by Mystery Shopper enable us to show companies objective picture of strong and weak sides of processes and services in their company. As for the consumer satisfaction study, through face-to-face inquiry of visitors leaving the target location, it enables us to define the most important factors making influence on satisfaction of consumers of the specific field as well as to measure weight of their importance. By integrating these results with the results of service quality monitoring, we give additional opportunity to companies to always assess their service through real consumers’ eyes.
Consistent monitoring of the service quality provides the following opportunities:
- Improvement of service standards and processes – it is important the service standard guideline to additionally focus on the issues that make major impact on consumer satisfaction level
- Development / improvement of personnel training module – over the course of constant monitoring, training module should be designed / redesigned in compliance with information obtained as a result of the study. Important aspects of service seen by the company and consumers often differ from each other. Company may waste effort to develop skills that are among less important issues for consumers. Results of Mystery Shopper provides the best opportunity to re-assess priorities;
- Activation of employee motivation scheme / improvement of the existing scheme – motivated employee expresses love and respect to the employer as well as towards his/her job and consumers. This enthusiasm will surely be noticeable for the consumer. Employee who loves the employer brand and product he/she sells provides the consumer with the highest quality of service, also spreads love and loyalty towards the brand;
- Identification of new ideas / opportunities – results of mystery shopper act as one of the important sources for generating ideas on how to improve consumer satisfaction / experience of interacting with the company.
Based on international experience, in companies where service quality monitoring is consistently carried out and necessary measures are actively made in compliance with obtained results, sales may boost by 30%.