COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the entire world. Businesses were forced to face new challenges while the society had to adjust to a new lifestyle.
As 2020 is about to end, we were interested to learn about anxiety level of Tbilisi residents caused by the pandemic situation. Respondents were asked asses how concerned they are on 10-point scale where “0” means “I am not concerned at all” while “10” means – “I am very concerned”.
As of 11-13 December of 2020, average anxiety level of Tbilisi residents is 5.92 points. According to the study conducted by ACT on March 14-16 of 2020, average anxiety level was 4.9 points which means that concern level has increased by 1.02 point since the pandemic started.
Based on the study conducted in December, anxiety level varies by representatives of various age categories. As it turns out, average anxiety level increases along with the increase of age: concern rate equals 5.3 points for 18-34 age group; 6 points in 35-54 age category while the anxiety level reaches 6.5 points in 55+ residents.
*The survey was conducted through random sampling with 403 adult residents of Tbilisi on December 11-13 of 2020. Statistical error of data does not exceed 4.9% on average. Utilized method – telephone interviewing.