“WIN/Gallup International” conducted a survey in 64 countries. According to the survey results, 61% of population would fight for their country, but 27% would not. The fighting spirit is much higher (83%) in Central East and North Africa than in Western Europe (25%). Processing of data by age parameter showed that 18-34 age group is the most willing to go to battle (66%).
76% of Georgian population declares readiness to fight for their homeland, which is the highest indicator in Europe. Higher percentage compared to Georgia was observed only in 6 countries, including Morocco and Fiji, which share the first position (94%).
*The survey was conducted in 2014. In total, 62 398 respondents were interviewed worldwide through various interviewing methods: face-to-face interviewing method (30 countries, N=32,258) telephone interviews (CATI, 12 countries, n=9,784) or online surveys (in 22 countries; n=20,356). The statistical error does not exceed 4.45%.