According to the survey results, most of the respondents (43%) are able to have a vacation once a year. It should be noted that a large number of the respondents are unable to have leisure. Among those respondents, 65+ respondents represent the majority (46%). The most popular reason of not being able to have a vacation within Georgia was found to be the lack of money (63%), followed by the lack of time (37%). The reason was the lack of time mostly for the 35-44 year-old respondents (73%), while the 65+ respondents were unable to relax because of lack of money. It is noteworthy, that men (47%) are more likely to not go to holidays due to lack of time than women (30%) while the absence of money hinders women (69%) more than men (57%).
Most of the respondents who manage to have a vacation, prefer seaside resorts (55%). Mountain resorts are almost as popular, which is visited by 44% of the respondents. 36% of the surveyed people visit friends / relatives’ or his/her own village, 65+ respondents doing it the most often (60% of them).
As it turned out, summer is the most optimal time for holidays (94%). Gender and age differences were not revealed in this regard. The number of the families who spend 500-1000 Gel on average for leisure, is the highest among all – 41%. 500 Gel or less is enough for 28% of the surveyed families. 55% of the respondents who travel within Georgia accumulate the budget for the whole year. 25% of the respondents do not need to save money for leisure (men - 33%, women - 20%), while 8% of the holidaymakers need to make a bank loan or an installment in order to collect the required amount.