

Restaurants and Food Delivery Service

Restaurants and Food Delivery Service

According to the conducted research data, the use of food delivery service in the capital city is no...

How often residents of Tbilisi undertake preventive healthcare examinations?

How often residents of Tbilisi undertake preventive healthcare examinations?

ACT tried to find out how often Tbilisi residents undertake medical examination for preventive healt...

Are Tbilisi residents happy?

Are Tbilisi residents happy?

"ACT" took interest in whether the Tbilisi residents feel happy, how do the figures differ according...

Which social issues prevalent in the capital would you tackle first if you were the Mayor of Tbilisi?

Which social issues prevalent in the capital would you tackle first if you were the Mayor of Tbilisi?

On October 21, Tbilisi residents will elect a new mayor who the society has great expectations for, ...

What means of transport do the residents of Tbilisi use and are they concerned about the traffic in the city?

What means of transport do the residents of Tbilisi use and are they concerned about the traffic in the city?

The problem of transportation in Tbilisi is currently quite crucial. ACT took interest in what means...



Starting on September 28, ACT initiates a new certificate course: “Marketing Research”. In the proce...