

Almaty and migrants

Almaty and migrants

In this survey, ACT Kazakhstan has identified the perception and attitude towards migrants in Almaty...

Who Are The World's Most Influential CMOs?

Who Are The World's Most Influential CMOs?

In the XXIth century, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has become one of the most important and influen...

Travelling abroad

Travelling abroad

According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June, 2018, every third resident of Tbilisi (33%) ha...

Genetically modified food

Genetically modified food

According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June, 2018, when purchasing food products, every thi...

Companion animals

Companion animals

Companion animals have become an integral part of human life, and we do not think about their useful...

Contrary to Popular Belief, Millennial Shoppers Actually Like Going to Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Contrary to Popular Belief, Millennial Shoppers Actually Like Going to Brick-and-Mortar Stores

We’ve been hearing about the death of retail for years now. An April report by Credit Suisse predict...