

როდესაც საქმე ეხება რეკლამის საშუალებით ამბის თხრობას, ოლიმპიური თამაშები ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე გამორჩეულ...

Vaccine and Communication

Vaccine and Communication

2 years of loneliness "I want to get vaccinated because I'm afraid to die." ...

COVID-19 and online education in Georgia

COVID-19 and online education in Georgia

About the transformed higher learning process Adapting to covid-reality has become a nec...

And ... when  we'll be able to travel?

And ... when we'll be able to travel?

You have probably asked yourself this question many times for yourself and those gathered with frien...

Oil effect – food prices during the pandemic

Oil effect – food prices during the pandemic

As the Coronavirus pandemic started, economic downfall made society face threat of unemployment and ...

From immunization of population to regeneration of economy

From immunization of population to regeneration of economy

COVID-19 outbreak caused one of the most severe crisis in the history of mankind and entire world st...