

New key words –  Remotely, from home

New key words – Remotely, from home

The Coronavirus pandemic accelerated our digital transformation. Digital solution becomes more and m...

Отношение к пенсионным накоплениям

Отношение к пенсионным накоплениям


Do we still read books during the pandemic?!

Do we still read books during the pandemic?!

In 2002, for the purpose to promote books and reading, UNESCO started a large-scale project – “World...

Отношение населения РК к вакцинации от COVID-19

Отношение населения РК к вакцинации от COVID-19

АСТ Казахстан провела исследование для выявления отношения к вакцинации и готовности к применению ко...

Citizens of Tbilisi Awaiting the Godo-Vaccine

Citizens of Tbilisi Awaiting the Godo-Vaccine

The efficacy of combating Coronavirus declared as an invisible enemy is gradually becoming tangible....

Assessment of Tbilisi residents on the management of epidemiological situation and thee most “painful” regulations

Assessment of Tbilisi residents on the management of epidemiological situation and thee most “painful” regulations

Curfew and other regulations in everyday life that are focused on limiting the spread of virus and p...