

ACT as a Talent Incubator

ACT as a Talent Incubator

Personnel training is aimed at expanding the specialist’s qualifications, improve his/her adaptation...

Established service standards VS service perceived by a consumer

Established service standards VS service perceived by a consumer

What kind of service does modern consumer want? - this is one of the most important questions everyo...

Tendencies of the tele communication market

Tendencies of the tele communication market

Historically, Georgian tele communication market has always been diversified into mobile operators’ ...

ხუთიდან ორი თბილისელი სმარტფონის მფლობელია

ხუთიდან ორი თბილისელი სმარტფონის მფლობელია

სმარტფონების ინდუსტრია ბოლო რამდენიმე წელია რაც საგრძნობლად განვითარდა და გეომეტრიული პროგრესიით აგრ...

Small and medium business after quarantine

Small and medium business after quarantine

ACT Kazakhstan continues to hold panel discussions with business representatives. This time, small b...

Changing perceptions of corporate social responsibility, how to continue hunting mammoths

Changing perceptions of corporate social responsibility, how to continue hunting mammoths

Evolution progresses in spiral way, which means that the mankind moves forward and development stage...