
Provision of Services for the Survey of Capacity Development Progress of the CCCD Project in Georgia

Provision of Services for the Survey of Capacity Development Progress of the CCCD Project in Georgia
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Date: 23.02.2025 Finished



About the Project 

In the course of the project entitled Harmonization of Information Management for Improved Knowledge and Monitoring of the Global Environment in Georgia (hereinafter, CCCD in Georgia), efforts were exerted to make the best practices and most innovative approaches available and accessible through national development policies and programs for meeting and sustaining the three Rio Conventions (the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity). The project was intended to develop individual and organizational capacities at the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) to improve the monitoring of environmental impacts and trends for the elaboration of collaborative environmental management.

Our Role 

In the scope of the project, workshops and trainings were conducted to strengthen the individual and technical capacities of engaged parties. The ACT team assessed how the project participants’ improved their level of understanding and skills with regard to monitoring global environmental issues via the conducted training and workshops. The team also examined the extent to which the project had reached its target in terms of improved capacities, and to evaluate the capacity development progress in general.

Project Outcome(s)

The study revealed how specific activities affected the improvement of understanding of global environmental issues as well as identifying areas in which knowledge and skills were still considered challenges. The study results and recommendations provided could be used by stakeholders to identify suitable subsequent steps to ensure future improvements in the process.