Our main focus is on developing countries, as we have a deep understanding of their problems and clearly see the tremendous potential they have. In more than 25 countries across three continents, we support private and public organizations in implementing significant economic, social or political changes.
Our Vision
We wish to live in a world where every country is developed, and the quality of life is equally high. We believe in the potential of developing countries and the utilization of that potential is where we see the main role of ACT.
Our clients are leaders of the future who constantly try to change their own self and the world for the better: by creating a better product or service that will meet important needs of the people; by fighting against poverty, by ensuring social equality and freedom to give people better choices.
Our mission is to provide our clients with those useful powers of changes – knowledge, ideas and inspiration.
Our Culture
Our values are everyday checkpoints that give us direction and energy in our work in order to best fulfill our mission.
Love and support
We believe that love and support generate significant transformative power. Collaboration, partnership, co-creation, personal or professional support– these are the working principles our team are guided by. We love what we do, we love each other, our clients and the environment we live and work in. This is what gives us the energy to become the best supporters for our clients and partners, and them the power of beneficial changes.
A creative approach to the work – interesting ideas, putting an issue into a new perspective and offering innovative solutions: these all help us fulfill our mission best. In our belief, the universe is full of resources and capabilities required for implementing any idea, while creativity helps us see and incorporate them. This is why we made creativity, optimism and enthusiasm part of our everyday life and of the working process.
We are well aware that any labor is assessed according to results. Thus, we believe that all of our efforts need to be effective while labor needs to be tangible and beneficial – for our client, society and for us. This is our mission – to help clients and partners maximize their results through the most effective ways and make big, positive changes.
We believe that if there is no progress, regress starts to develop. This is why we never stop: we constantly update our knowledge and purse our professional and personal development. Thus, by using our competences, we contribute to the development and empowerment of our clients and partners – leaders and organizations of the future.
Our Capabilities
We believe that the greatest strength of leaders and organizations of the future is knowledge. However, here at ACT we also believe that knowledge can only be powerful if you know how to use it. We can turn knowledge – data, ideas, competences – into powerful tools for organizations which is why we push them to make practical actions and inspire them for big achievements.
The strengths we use to support our clients and partners are as follows:
- Data collection, strong analytics and data-driven insights;
- Unique approaches and competences for the transformation of leaders and organizations;
- Expertise to develop effective strategies and policies;
- Innovative and practical solutions;
- Knowledge of specifications of the public and private sector;
- Resources and experience of managing large-scale local and international projects;
- Knowledge of specifications of developing countries and working experience.
ACT currently has four business directions and each of them creates special value for our clients:
the main expertise of this direction is marketing and sociological studies that aim to provide clients with precise data, consumer insights and public opinion.
Business Analytics (BA)
through incorporating statistical methods, this direction ensures data-driven descriptive, diagnostic or prediction analytics and business insights.
Management Consulting
offers organizations support in making effective decisions and fulfilling them. This direction is concentrated on the transformation and empowerment of leaders and organizations of the future.
Development Consulting
works on development projects together with international financial institutes, donors, governments of various countries and social partners. In those cooperation, our main goal is to support the empowerment of a democratic society and important positive socio-economic impacts.