
The Importance of Data Communication in Strategic Development and Decision-Making

17.10.2024 10 Min Read
Beka Parsadanishvili

Senior Researcher

The Importance of Data Communication in Strategic Development and Decision-Making

Preface: To Communicate Your Data Effectively With Others, First Communicate With It Yourself

During World War II, the Allies faced a critical decision: how to armor their planes for maximum protection without adding too much weight. They examined returning aircraft and found the most damage to the wings and tail, prompting them to reinforce those areas. However, mathematician Abraham Wald pointed out a flaw - the data only came from survivor planes. The ones that didn’t return likely bore damage in more vital areas, like the engines. This insight changed their strategy and, in turn, the air-to-air combat situation (Eldridge, 2024).[1]

This story highlights a key lesson: data is only as effective as it is interpreted and communicated. Whether in military or business strategy, successful decisions depend on understanding the complete picture, not just what is immediately visible. In today's world, misinterpreting or poorly communicating data can lead to failed strategies and costly mistakes. This article explores why effective data communication begins with fully understanding your data - because to communicate your data effectively with others, you must first communicate with it yourself.

Data Has Become the Backbone of Strategic Decision-Making

When entering new markets, developing innovative products, or refining operational processes, companies rely on data to inform their every step. However, data alone is insufficient, as how businesses interpret and act on it ultimately determines success or failure.

Data reduces uncertainty. For example, when a company considers entering a new market, they often rely on data to assess market demand, customer preferences, and competitor dynamics. Instead of relying on gut instincts or assumptions, data offers objective insights that help companies tailor their strategies. This same principle applies to product development, where data from customer feedback, sales trends, and competitive analysis informs design, features, and pricing strategies.

Data doesn’t just describe patterns - it also creates them. This example illustrates how accurate data interpretation can shape strategic choices that position companies for long-term success. By understanding user behavior and preferences, Netflix wasn’t merely reacting to trends but actively shaping them. Data became their tool for driving both innovation and customer loyalty.

However, the success of data-driven strategies depends on the accuracy and depth of data interpretation. Misreading or miscommunicating the data can lead to costly missteps. Take the housing market crash from 2007-2008, during which the correct and incorrect data interpretation led to cardinally different outcomes:

In this way, data doesn’t just inform decisions - it drives them. Successful companies take the time to deeply understand their data before making strategic moves. By communicating with their data first, they can effectively act on it, ensuring alignment and clarity in their strategies. This process ensures that decisions are data-driven, reducing the risk of miscommunication and enhancing the overall success of the company’s goals.

Common Pitfalls in Data Interpretation

But why do some fail to interpret their data? Because it requires vigilance. Common mistakes, such as confirmation bias, lead decision-makers to favor data that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, often ignoring contradictory evidence. The approach skews strategies toward comforting but faulty conclusions.

Recording assumptions before analyzing data and revisiting them afterward to ensure they haven’t influenced interpretation helps avoid confirmation bias. It’s essential to avoid cherry-picking data and to consider all evidence equally. This approach helps prevent biased conclusions and promotes more accurate decision-making.

Another issue is selection bias, where data is drawn from a non-representative sample, leading to flawed insights. For instance, a company that tests new product features exclusively with loyal customers might overestimate broader demand because loyal customers tend to be more forgiving and enthusiastic.

Mitigating selection bias requires ensuring randomized data collection and representation. It's crucial to use diverse sampling methods to gather inclusive and accurate insights, reflecting the full scope of the audience. This approach helps prevent bowed results that could lead to faulty conclusions.

Historical bias can emerge when companies use outdated data to predict future trends. Such bias can lead to strategies based on assumptions that no longer hold.

A practical way to avoid historical bias is by incorporating data from recent, diverse sources that reflect current social, economic, and technological changes. It's essential to acknowledge the limitations and biases within older data and orient on forward-looking, inclusive data practices that account for evolving trends. This approach ensures that strategies remain relevant and adaptable to new dynamics.

Survivorship bias occurs when focusing only on successes while ignoring failures. This selective view can lead to inaccurate conclusions about what drives success. By neglecting to analyze failures, valuable insights that could improve strategies fade.

To avoid survivorship bias, teams should gather data from successes and failures. Considering both provides a complete picture of what works and what doesn’t. This balanced approach ensures that conclusions derive from both - fly and die cases.

Availability bias occurs when decisions are made based on the most easily accessible or recent data rather than the most relevant or comprehensive information. Such an approach often leads to contorted judgments because the data at hand, may not represent the bigger picture. 

Focusing on trends and patterns rather than vivid but isolated incidents helps prevent availability bias. Thoroughly investigating all data sources ensures a more accurate understanding of the issue rather than relying on immediately available but potentially unrepresentative information. This approach helps reveal the full scope of a problem, leading to more informed and balanced conclusions, as opposed to drawing decisions from isolated, prominent cases that may not reflect the broader reality.

Outlier bias occurs when extreme data points - significantly different from the rest - mislead the interpretation of data. These unusual data points can swerve the overall analysis, causing conclusions that do not reflect the typical patterns. The presence of outliers may result in overemphasis on rare occurrences, leading to distorted insights. Without proper context or further investigation, decisions based on outliers can overlook the trends or central tendencies of the data, potentially leading to ineffective or misguided strategies.

Mitigating the outlier bias includes full-scale data examination - often a reference to the mode and median instead of the average, and investigating any outliers without allowing them to dominate the strategy. This approach ensures that rare or extreme data points are understood in context, preventing them from sabotaging the overall analysis and leading to more balanced and accurate decision-making.

Avoiding biases such as confirmation, selection, historical, survivorship, availability, and outlier bias - along with many others - is a precursor to effectively communicating data with decision-makers. Interpreting data correctly and ensuring it is free from bias, can provide clear, actionable insights that foster alignment and well-informed strategies, ultimately enhancing decision-making processes and outcomes.

Data Only Whispers, Communication Makes It Heard Across Audiences

Effective data communication is not one-size-fits-all. Tailoring the communication style to the audience’s needs and the decision context helps convey the data insights.

Figure 1. Types of Data Communication. Source: Rogue Penguin

Selecting the appropriate data communication strategy and approach based on the audience's specifics is mandatory. Without this consideration, valuable data insights can remain ineffective and fail to drive informed decision-making. Tailoring the data communication strategies to the audience helps ensure that conclusions resonate, fostering better understanding and engagement.


Effective data communication hinges on recognizing and mitigating biases that can distort interpretation. Embracing diverse communication strategies tailored to specific audiences helps transform raw data into powerful insights. This careful consideration not only enhances understanding but also fosters informed decision-making. Ultimately, recognizing the nuances of data communication empowers us to navigate complexities, ensuring that insights resonate and lead to meaningful outcomes in an ever-evolving landscape.


[1] Eldridge, E. (2024). Survivorship Bias. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/science/survivorship-bias. October 3, 2024.

[2] Fan, H. (2024). Leader in the Digital Entertainment Market: Netflix's Continued Success in a Fiercely Competitive Environment. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 73 (1)

[3] Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (2013). Origins of The U.S. Financial Crisis of 2008 . Retrieved from https://www.fdic.gov/sites/default/files/2024-03/chap1_0.pdf. October 3, 2024.

[4] Anthony, D. S. (2016). Kodak’s Downfall Wasn’t About Technology. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from: https://hbr.org/2016/07/kodaks-downfall-wasnt-about-technology. October 3, 2024.

[5] Weidner, J. B. (2024). Why Google Glass Failed. Investopedia. Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/052115/how-why-google-glass-failed.asp. October 3, 2024.

[6] Wang, S. (2022). Explanations to the Failure of Nokia Phone. 2022 7th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development.

[7] Wray, R. (2005). Boo.Com Spent Fast And Died Young But Its Legacy Shaped Internet Retailing. The Guardian. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2005/may/16/media.business. October 3, 2024.

[8] Samuelson, K (2016). A Brief History of Samsung’s Troubled Galaxy Note 7 Smartphone. Time Magazine. Retrieved from: https://time.com/4526350/samsung-galaxy-note-7-recall-problems-overheating-fire/. October 3, 2024.

[9] Victor, D. (2024). GoPro Stock Is at an All-Time Low. Is It a Buy? The Motley Fool & Nasdaq. Retrieved from: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/gopro-stock-is-at-an-all-time-low.-is-it-a-buy. October 3, 2024.

Featured Insights

As the world increasingly transitions to a digital landscape, businesses are compelled to adapt, evolve, and navigate a rapidly changing environment. This raises a critical question: "Are you drinking the water or riding the wave?" This metaphor highlights a crucial decision that organizations must confront: to manage only immediate changes—the water—or to actively lead and influence these changes—the wave. The latter represents a proactive approach that is vital for survival in a complex and competitive digital ecosystem. Traditional management strategies are progressively inadequate for this challenge, rendering digital leadership and innovative thinking essential for success. 


Digital Leadership: Managing Transformation at the Speed of Change 


The cornerstone of any successful digital transformation is effective digital leadership. Leaders in forward-thinking companies do not merely respond to trends; they proactively manage them. According to James McGregor Burns' theory of transformational leadership, these leaders possess the ability to inspire their teams and unify them around a shared vision. They cultivate an environment where continuous learning and adaptation are integral to their organizational culture. Leaders who effectively navigate digital transformation actively engage with emerging technologies, support their teams in addressing various technological challenges, and seize opportunities for innovation. 


Consider Microsoft's transformation under Satya Nadella. When Nadella became CEO in 2014, the company found itself at a pivotal juncture. In the personal computer sector, the once-preeminent tech giant had fallen behind in critical areas such as cloud computing and mobile technology. The company's focus remained on its traditional products—Windows and Office. However, Nadella articulated a clear vision to position Microsoft as a leader in cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI), thereby redefining the company's role within the swiftly evolving technology sector. 


Under Nadella's leadership, Microsoft's strategy has undergone a significant transformation, with a robust emphasis on cloud computing through Azure. Azure has experienced remarkable growth, establishing itself as a formidable competitor to Amazon Web Services (AWS), which plays a crucial role in Microsoft's long-term objectives. Additionally, Nadella has championed AI as a transformative force, highlighting the Azure AI platform and cognitive services as essential solutions for businesses seeking to enhance operations and customer experience. 

These strategic shifts exemplify how digital leadership can redefine a company's strategic focus, rendering it more innovative and competitive.  

Nadella's transformation of Microsoft extended beyond technological advancements; he spearheaded profound cultural and organizational changes within Microsoft. These key initiatives included: 


Promoting a Growth Mindset: Nadella introduced the concept of a “growth mindset,” emphasizing continuous learning and improvement. This cultural shift was reflected in Microsoft’s approach to innovation, encouraging employees to experiment, learn from failures, and remain open to new possibilities. 

Breaking Down Silos: Nadella fostered a culture of collaboration, breaking down the siloed structure of Microsoft. Cross-functional teams became more integrated, facilitating the company’s rapid adoption of AI and cloud technologies. 

These cultural shifts not only support technological advancements but also lay the foundation for long-term innovation. Organizations planning for digital transformation must recognize that leadership alone is insufficient; the mindset of the entire organization plays a critical role. 


Digital Mindset: The Catalyst for Transformation 


Beyond leadership, the mindset of the entire organization is vital to successful digital transformation. A McKinsey study confirms that organizations with cultures focused on adaptability, continuous learning, and rapid response are more successful in digital ventures. This reflects the importance of fostering a "digital mindset," a concept that aligns with Carol Dweck's "growth mindset" theory. A digital mindset is characterized by the willingness to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and continually adapt. 


Incorporating a digital mindset involves several key components: 


  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Digital organizations prioritize ongoing learning, ensuring employees stay informed on the latest trends and immediately apply new insights. 

  • Agility: To succeed in digital transformation, organizations must be agile, adapting quickly to new technologies and market shifts. 

  • Innovative Thinking: Encouraging creative problem-solving and experimentation is central to fostering a digital mindset. 

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Breaking down silos and enhancing digital collaboration across departments are essential for driving innovation. 

A Deloitte report shows that businesses fostering a digital mindset experience a 40% increase in employee productivity and innovation. This powerful statistic demonstrates that cultivating a proactive, innovative culture can yield tangible improvements in organizational performance. 


Assessing Digital Readiness: The Digital Barometer 

Evaluating the digital mindset is a critical component of assessing an organization's digital readiness. This evaluation determines whether employees and leaders are prepared to embrace the rapid pace of digital transformation or if traditional, risk-averse attitudes are impeding progress. This begs the question: how can companies measure their organization's digital mindset and leadership readiness for the digital age? 


At ACT, we have developed a comprehensive tool known as the Digital Barometer, designed to assess an organization's Digital Leadership and Mindset. The Digital Barometer evaluates how effectively teams utilize digital tools for information gathering, collaboration, problem-solving, and ensuring security. Additionally, it assesses the organization's openness to digital innovation. Through this holistic analysis, the tool assists organizations in identifying their strengths as well as areas requiring further development. 


A digital mindset assessment determines whether employees and leaders are ready to adopt new ways of thinking, learning, and working. It uncovers whether an organization is prepared to embrace the swift pace of digital change or is hindered by traditional, risk-averse attitudes. This assessment can also highlight areas where additional training or cultural shifts may be necessary to align with the organization’s digital goals. 


Ultimately, success in the digital age demands more than merely adopting new tools—it necessitates visionary leadership supported by human capital and a commitment to development. By continuously evaluating and enhancing these elements, organizations can not only navigate the challenges posed by technological change but also leverage them as opportunities for innovation and growth. 


It's hard to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it isn't there 



I first heard the phrase “Are we looking for a black cat in a dark room?” during a discussion among several scientists about the rationality of a research hypothesis.  


The search for a black cat in a dark room, especially when no cat is there, expresses the idea of futile effort. It symbolizes a pursuit of something that likely does not exist and is ultimately absurd. Although this phrase is attributed to Confucius, it is more of a philosophical concept than a direct quote. Applying this idea to the context of Organizational Behavior creates a powerful metaphor, reflecting the wasteful expenditure of energy and resources in organizational management, leading to inefficiency.  


In this article, I will try to answer the following questions:  

Why do organizational leaders search for a black cat in a dark room, losing consistency and harming the organization in the process?  

Why do intelligent people make elementary and absurd mistakes?  


To answer these questions, let's consider several theories.  


  1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)  

Do you remember the anxiety in school while waiting for an invitation to a classmate's party? Or the feeling of missing an important event? These emotions are linked to anxiety and regret, commonly referred to as the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).  

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has been a part of human nature and our daily lives since ancient times. Early humans instinctively understood that missing out on food, shelter, or a suitable mate could jeopardize the survival of their species. Therefore, this fear is universal and present in every person, race, generation, and gender. However, with the advent of technology, particularly social media, FOMO has significantly intensified.  

Herman first highlighted FOMO in 2000 (Herman D, 2000), using the term to describe consumer behavior. However, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the term became more generalized, with modern authors using it to explain anxiety. Given this growing trend, people are often referred to in literature not as HOMO Sapiens but as FOMO Sapiens.  

In the context of Organizational Behavior, FOMO reflects human anxiety and fear of missing out on an opportunity, innovation, or trend that may be crucial. Here, we talk about a leader who, under the influence of FOMO, is constantly searching for new initiatives and losing consistency.  



FOMO can manifest in the following forms:  

  1. Copying every new trend that may be less relevant or inappropriate for the business.  

  1. Constantly implementing innovations and initiatives when core business processes are not yet established.  

  1. Making hasty decisions that are not aligned with the company's long-term strategy.  

  1. Taking unjustified risks, such as investing significant resources based on current trends and intuition without prior market analysis.  


In today's world, the pursuit of new ideas is essential. However, decisions fueled by FOMO can lead to impulsive and unpredictable leadership, much like searching for a black cat in a dark room—even when it isn’t there. 


  1. Fast Thinking (System 1) vs. Slow Thinking (System 2)  

According to Daniel Kahneman's book «Thinking, Fast and Slow», people use two different thinking systems when making decisions. When the outcome is easily predictable or when we encounter something familiar, we make fast, intuitive decisions; this type of thinking is called System 1. On the other hand, when faced with a complex task or unfamiliar environment, we start applying more deliberate and slow thinking, activating System 2.  

Fast thinking, or System 1, is the brain's automatic mode, which conserves effort and energy. It is formed based on previous experience, decisions, and the environment in which we grew up. Often, System 1 is helpful as it saves energy, helps us navigate our environment, and avoids constantly reconsidering details. For example, in everyday life, we use System 1 more frequently, while System 2, which involves slow thinking, can be tiring and irritating when used often.  

However, it's important to note that System 1 has its drawbacks—it is prone to errors, subjective judgments, and biases. System 1 does not account for important details and relies on existing experience.  

The choice between fast thinking (System 1) and slow thinking (System 2) is fully conscious; a person chooses which system to rely on when planning. It is also worth noting that System 1 operates automatically, like an autopilot, so in stressful situations or when fatigued, a person is inclined to make decisions with minimal energy expenditure, using System 1. 

This is why intelligent people sometimes make very simple mistakes and, based on System 1, may instruct their team to search for a black cat in a dark room, as it worked in the past. In such cases, we encounter a pattern-based approach and a rigid attitude toward the surroundings ("don't miss the important stuff"). As a result, the company may stagnate instead of correctly utilizing and developing new opportunities. 



How can this be changed? 

Fear of missing out (FOMO) can be a powerful and legitimate motivator for both leaders and teams. However, it's crucial to recognize its potential downsides. Striking a balance between fast, instinctive thinking (System 1) and slow, analytical thinking (System 2) is essential for effective decision-making. 

While it's natural to rely on fast thinking for routine tasks, navigating complex situations requires the deliberate approach of slow thinking. It's important to remember that both FOMO and fast, automatic thinking are intrinsic parts of us. They can be managed through self-reflection, continuous development, seeking feedback from your team, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. These practices help ensure that you don’t overlook critical details due to stress or incomplete information, avoid making decisions driven solely by FOMO or Fast thinking, and most importantly, resist the temptation to chase a black cat in a dark room, especially when it isn’t there. 




Did you know that nearly 60% of employees report feeling emotionally drained by the end of each workday? With the evolution of the labor market, focusing on employee well-being has ceased to be a luxury or a one-off initiative—it has become a necessity for survival and the foundation for long-term success.

The driving force behind a company is its strong employees. The viability of an organization depends on the realized potential and well-being of each worker. Experience and international empirical research show a direct link between employee well-being and their productivity, effectiveness, and commitment to the organization. The higher the employee's well-being, the more they are a team player, show empathy toward others, and are more productive and effective in their work processes, which is the cornerstone of organizational success.

Given this situation, it has become evident to modern HR specialists and managers that well-being is not an additional but an integral value of the company. Consequently, for proactive, development-oriented organizations, one of the primary tasks is to implement a human-centered culture, ensure a safe environment for employees, and promote their well-being. This involves increasingly frequent and prioritized adoption of various supportive approaches and interventions.

The Concept of Well-Being

Well-being is a comprehensive concept that, according to the perspective of positive psychology, extends beyond rational factors to include psychological aspects such as socio-emotional, mental, and cognitive resilience. Various theoretical reviews and empirical studies suggest that achieving employee happiness and well-being in an organization is contingent upon providing various motivational factors and circumstances:

Emotional Well-Being: Numerous studies confirm that employees' emotional resilience, ability to self-regulate and adapt emotions, optimism, and positive attitude toward work significantly influence work motivation, approach to tasks, and the quality of work performed. Conversely, a combination of negative emotions such as anxiety, tension, and irritation can lead to emotional burnout and professional exhaustion. These symptoms often become primary or at least indirect causes of job departure.


 Social Well-Being: Considering that employees spend a third of their time at work, the style of interaction in the work environment, opportunities for receiving and exchanging support and empathy, are particularly important. Factors such as cooperation, shared joy, a sense of belonging, pride in achievements, and belief that the environment supports and values you, are guarantees of a safe environment and healthy social interaction, which, in turn, forms the basis for employee retention and the accumulation of positive capital in the long term.


 Professional Well-Being: An employee’s perception of their activities and role is a critical component of well-being. Organizations need to be aware: is the employee passionate about what they do? Do they believe in the importance of their work? Do they consider their work valuable? How competent do they feel? Do they have a sense of autonomy? Do they see their contribution to achieving the company's overall goals and vision? These questions determine internal motivation, interest, productivity, and ultimately, employee effectiveness. Providing career paths, opportunities for continuous learning, and recognizing employee achievements are effective strategies for enhancing professional well-being.

It is clear that a high level of professional well-being is key to employee productivity and, consequently, to the effectiveness and success of the organization.

 Physical Well-Being: Beyond physical endurance, a crucial aspect is the feeling of safety and security in the workplace. It is also important for the organization to understand how work conditions and the environment contribute to employees feeling good and being productive.

Financial Well-Being: The importance of this aspect relates to how employees' financial security, fairness, and adequacy of compensation compared to the work performed significantly impact their motivation, attitude toward work, and desire for long-term collaboration with the company.

Thus, focusing on individual aspects of well-being, as well as the overall picture, improves indicators of resilience, engagement, and productivity; strengthens organizational loyalty; creates a healthy and positive work climate; fosters a high-performance culture; and ultimately enhances the organization's internal success, ecosystem, viability, as well as productivity and reputational resilience.


Well-Being Diagnosis


We believe that the first step towards creating a human-centered, safe environment in an organization is assessing the components whose combination is essential for achieving well-being. Well-being diagnostics allow the organization to understand what employees think and feel, identify issues in organizational climate and culture, and determine which well-being parameters require more attention and targeted interventions.

To this end, ACT has developed a unique model—the Employee Well-Being Matrix—which is based on a holistic view of well-being and symmetrically provides organizations with data on both overall and specific well-being indicators—where it is stable and where it requires support.


The Matrix: A Compass for Employee Well-Being

The Well-Being Matrix is like a lens that allows you to see even the most challenging organizational well-being issues. In this labyrinth, the matrix is not just a diagnostic tool but a symbol of balance and clarity. Research identifies pain points, and targeted responses to them make strategic interventions much more effective.

We believe that just as the matrix creates balance, sequence, and structure in complex and sometimes chaotic data, the Well-Being Matrix will bring similar clarity and a clear vision to organizations, serving as an important compass on the path to creating a human-centered, positive climate.