
Supporting Rural Start-Ups in Adjara

Supporting Rural Start-Ups in Adjara
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Date: 22.02.2025 Finished



About the Project 

As part of the Rural Community Capacity Building Program, the UNDP supports rural citizens, and particularly AMAGs, to diversify their activities to enhance the rural economy in general. The overall objective of this activity was to identify active members of AMAGs and to help them to develop business plans that would spur local economic activities.

Our Role 

The ACT team implemented information campaigns, conducted consultation meetings with members of AMAGs across Adjara, and announced open calls for proposals for economic initiatives. Following a review of the proposals submitted, interviews with applicants were arranged and detailed analyses of each project were undertaken. Ultimately, more than 30 successful candidates were selected. Each selected applicant was assigned a tutor who helped them to develop business plans that would eventually be presented to project stakeholders.

Project Outcome(s)

As a result of the activity, business plans were developed for 30 projects initiated by individuals or groups of individuals representing AMAGs. Business proposals were presented to the UNDP and the main stakeholders. Some of the presented initiatives were funded by the UNDP, and AMAGs are still being supported in an effort to ensure the sustainable development of their projects.