

So... all good advertising starts with research.

So... all good advertising starts with research.

As the new year approaches, I remember John Lewis's Christmas commercial and I think I'll dedicate a...

From family management to business institutionalization

From family management to business institutionalization

Many years ago I started my career in one of the Georgian family businesses. The first emotional sho...

Organizational rituals

Organizational rituals

Have you ever thought that a cup of coffee with a colleague in the office in the morning, questions ...

როდესაც საქმე ეხება რეკლამის საშუალებით ამბის თხრობას, ოლიმპიური თამაშები ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე გამორჩეულ...

#Good to GREAT: Silk Road Line

#Good to GREAT: Silk Road Line

„ACT-სთან თანამშრომლობამ დაგვანახა ჩვენი პოტენციალი, მოგვცა საკუთარი თავის რწმენა, რომ ყველა დასახულ...

First to Georgia and then we'll see

First to Georgia and then we'll see

The seasonal concern of summer is to plan a vacation so that during the long-awaited vacati...