
Favorite Sport

02.08.2018 1 Min Read
Favorite Sport

According to the June 2018 research conducted in Tbilisi, 86% of the residents are fans sport fans. It’s noteworthy, that most of the fans are men and 24+ respondents. Football (34%), rugby (23%) and basketball (9%) were the most popular sports among the respondents. Interestingly, Football is more popular among men, while rugby and basketball is more often named by women as their favorite sport. The age difference between fans of these sports has only been revealed in rugby case, as research finds, rugby is the most popular among 18-44 respondents.

Most of the respondents (72%) believe that rugby is the most developed sport in Georgia. It is followed by football (9%) and judo (7%) with almost similar indexes.

* The research was conducted in Tbilisi by random selection between 400 adult Tbilisi residents during the period of June 2-3, 2018. The statistical error varies from 3.0% to 6.5%. The method used was face-to-face interview.

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According to the study conducted in June of 2018, 56% of population uses fast food restaurants with different frequency. Fast food restaurants are the most actively used by young people aged 18-24 (88%) while only 24% of respondents aged 65 and above visit these kinds of food places. In addition, it is worth mentioning that fast food places are more popular among men compared to women (60%, 25% respectively).

The majority of respondents (57%) spend up to 10 GEL per one person during a visit in fast food place. As for those main reasons why respondents visit fast food places, respondents name tasty food 52%, promptness of service 31% and convenient location 15%. It is also worth mentioning that only 8% of respondents visit fast food places for low price of service.


According to the survey conducted in Tbilisi in June of 2018, 34% of citizens are consumers of tobacco. Among them, 29% smokes regularly, 5% only occasionally. According to the results of the same study conducted in the spring of 2017, 31% of adult residents of Tbilisi were consumers of tobacco which demonstrates that the situation has not changed from this point of view. Rate of tobacco consumption is much higher among men (58%) than women (16%), citizens in 35-54 age category consume tobacco most actively.
63% of Tbilisi residents believe that the law on “Tobacco Control” will not reduce consumption of tobacco but the same quantity (64%) give positive evaluation towards new regulations.
The majority (58%) of tobacco consumers smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day and declares that restriction of tobacco consumption in public places did not affect their consumption frequency. Speaking of gender perspective, the difference is significant: 68% of men smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day while only 29% of women consume the same quantity.

**The survey was conducted in Tbilisi among 400 adult residents using random selection technique, on June 2-3, 2018. The statistical margin of error ranges from 3.0% to 6.5%. Utilized research method – FTF interview.


According to the survey results, most of the respondents (43%) are able to have a vacation once a year. It should be noted that a large number of the respondents are unable to have leisure. Among those respondents, 65+ respondents represent the majority (46%). The most popular reason of not being able to have a vacation within Georgia was found to be the lack of money (63%), followed by the lack of time (37%). The reason was the lack of time mostly for the 35-44 year-old respondents (73%), while the 65+ respondents were unable to relax because of lack of money. It is noteworthy, that men (47%) are more likely to not go to holidays due to lack of time than women (30%) while the absence of money hinders women (69%) more than men (57%).

Most of the respondents who manage to have a vacation, prefer seaside resorts (55%). Mountain resorts are almost as popular, which is visited by 44% of the respondents. 36% of the surveyed people visit friends / relatives’ or his/her own village, 65+ respondents doing it the most often (60% of them).

As it turned out, summer is the most optimal time for holidays (94%). Gender and age differences were not revealed in this regard. The number of the families who spend 500-1000 Gel on average for leisure, is the highest among all – 41%. 500 Gel or less is enough for 28% of the surveyed families. 55% of the respondents who travel within Georgia accumulate the budget for the whole year. 25% of the respondents do not need to save money for leisure (men - 33%, women - 20%), while 8% of the holidaymakers need to make a bank loan or an installment in order to collect the required amount.