Representatives of the research and management consulting company ACT presented two important studies at Skills Week. In particular, commissioned by the agency and with the support of UNDP/SDC, a study was conducted on the level of employers' satisfaction and the attitude of the population towards vocational education. Representatives of the public and private sectors discussed the results of the study and the steps to be taken to further develop the skills sector.

The purpose of Skills Week is to have a discussion with stakeholders in the system and reach consensus on policy priorities, as well as to inform a wide audience about a new stage in the development and reform of the skills ecosystem.

Skills Week is organized by the Skills Agency with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and will run until July 22.


Education is one of the areas of corporate social responsibility of ACT, therefore, company representatives as experts are actively involved in the process of academic training and cooperation with higher educational institutions.

On June 30, ACТ Senior Consultant Natia Rukhadze, as a member of the jury, evaluated the final presentations of the course on fundraising for Master students in Public Relations of the Georgian Institute of Public Relations (GIPA). The meeting took place at Frontline Georgia and the students presented their work to the invited jury: Tamriko Germanishvili (CSRDG), Natia Rukhadze (ACT) and Salome Benidze (UNFPA Georgia). The aim of the course is fundraising, donor relations, strategic campaign planning and management - the implementation of real projects.


On June 29, a conference was held at the Stamba Hotel within the framework of the Strengthening the Social Protection of Georgia project, at which A C T presented the audience with the main findings of the KAP study and recommendations based on the results of the studies.

The conference was attended by the Minister of Health of Georgia, the delegation of the European Union, ambassadors, industry experts, non-governmental organizations, and members of trade unions also attended the meeting.

Surveys of knowledge and attitudes of the population about the practice of social protection (KAP)

were held in Georgia during the period February-March 2022. The survey provided nationwide information on the awareness, use and experience of the population of Georgia social protection programs.

The project was implemented thanks to the financial and technical support of Expertise France and the Czech Development Agency.


On June 9, Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT Vision Leader, presented a model of organizational transformation - POWER3 at the meeting of the Federation of Business Leaders. Tinatin Rukhadze as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Federation "Women for the Future" held the meeting for the representatives of the Association.

In the course of the meeting, the symptoms of delay were touched upon in the development of the organization, as a vivid call for transformation:

  • Any symptom interrupting the development, like: slowdown in the growth rate / reducing the company’s size, decreasing profitability, outflow of valuable staff

    " Unsettled" issues related to products’ development and introduction of innovations

    • Stagnation, "walking in a circle" or reversal as felt by the leadership.

  • ACT's unique model of organization and business transformation - THE POWER OF THREE® (POWER3) gives organizations the impetus and support they need to move forward to the next stage of development.


On June 5, in Telavi near Lake Lopota, a charitable sports event in support of Ukraine "Run for Ukraine" was held. The ACT team joined the support marathon and, together with other participants, covered the distance of 7 kilometers.

The money received from the run will be transferred in full to the fund for helping victims of the war. The event was organized by the International Fund for Sports, Tourism and Youth.

The event was attended by about 2,000 people, including business representatives and Ukrainians who temporarily came to Georgia because of the war.


On May 31st, Tinatin Rukhadze, ACT Co-founder and Vision Lead, presented Organizational Transformation Model - The POWER of THREE® at the TBC Concept meeting.

In the course of the meeting, the presenter discussed the necessity and importance of transformation, meaning that in current reality only those organizations are supposed to survive and grow which see development as a process of constant transformation.

During the presentation of POWER3, Tinatin Rukhadze, in her talk touched upon the certain symptoms of delay in the development of the organization, as a vivid call for transformation:

  • The slowdown in the growth rate / limiting the company size, decreasing profitability, the outflow of valuable staff
  • "Unsettled" issues related to products’ development and introduction of innovations
  • Stagnation, "walking in a circle" or reversal as felt by the leadership.

The Transformational Model implies 20 years of successful experience of ACT in cooperation with Georgian and foreign organizations and their leaders.

The format of the meeting was interactive and it was attended by up to 60 representatives of the business.
