Salome Kenchoshvili - Insights

Uncertainty is the cornerstone that defines the global marketplace and on which it ultimately depends. Conflicts such as political, trade, and social instabilities, among other factors, are known to upset this balance, presenting a challenge to international business. These disruptions could vary from direct supply chain interruptions to direct refusals of the consumption of the company's products, which can produce drastic effects in different corporations. Especially during such periods of uncertainty, communication, and marketing assets are vital instruments in weathering these storms and preserving the corporate image.

Modern Political Risks and Their Impact

For a long time, organizations were primarily concerned with operational risks, or more specifically, with economic and financial risks only. But soon, McKinsey & Company, in its Emerging Risks on the Global Agenda ([valid URL added]), presents political instabilities as one of the upcoming risk management concerns. This paper, informed by interviews with IT executives and the analysis of political risk data, highlights how vital it is for organizations to plan for political disruptions and need to have specified marketing communication plans. Politics, social issues, and the shifting geo-political landscape are key drivers that can challenge supply chains, undermine stakeholders' confidence, and diminish branding. These are some risks companies can face, and a proactive crisis communication and marketing strategy should not be lacking.

Crisis communication, a vital aspect in managing crises, is planning the type, content, channel, and timing of communicating and interacting with stakeholders during crises. This definition is also based on the standards of operation provided by the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), which is recognized as the world's premier association for public relations professionals. It only takes one communication slip during an incredibly volatile political period to significantly harm stakeholder trust and company image. On the other hand, effective communication management is an invaluable tool with little or no adverse effects because the public gets a positive impression of a company's responsible behavior during a crisis.

Critical Considerations for Efficient Crisis Messaging During the Political Hard Periods

Appropriate measures of crisis communication establish the radar for organizations to continue their operations unhampered by the disruptions of storms of a political nature. Here's how companies can establish a foundation for clear and impactful communication: 

Proactive Risk Identification: Businesses must understand politics. They have to adapt and deal with it. For this reason, the different institutions must analyze possible political risks regarding operations to identify weaknesses.

Building a Rapid Response Infrastructure: Crisis communication cannot afford to be slow. Organizations must set up a crisis communication team to react quickly to incipient decisions and disseminate them correspondingly. This team should comprise personnel from different departments, among them public relations, legal, and marketing departments, in case any issues arise. Efficient operational plans for precise and fast reactions should be set and agreed upon beforehand to avoid confusion and the formation of weak links.

Transparency and Empathy in Action: Maintaining and promoting ethical business conduct throughout the crisis cultivates business and consumer goodwill (in line with the communication principles highlighted by the IPR, 2023). For instance, Patagonia, a company famous for being an active voice in environmental issues, seized a political crisis – the U. S government shutdown – to bring to light its dedication to promoting sustainable practices; this is because the company ceased every advertising campaign during the events.

Multi-Channel Communication Strategy: Stakeholders' communication must occur using a comprehensive communication tool kit. The best way is to develop different messages for every social network because each is unique in some way. While a press release can formally announce events, social media is timely, open, and personal, providing status updates.

Crisis management and business continuity

Crisis communication plans can only fulfill business continuity and crisis management. This plan should outline action procedures associated with communication during risk management and supply chain disruption and accommodate protocols for employee safety and disaster response (Disaster Recovery Institute International [DRII], 2023). You can be confident that crisis communication advocates an essential aspect of these strategies, which involves the timely and accurate flow of information to all key stakeholders.

Adapting to marketing plans and strategies during a crisis has become necessary as a managerial strategy. Crisis communication is an inevitable communication activity in organizations, and it should be aligned with marketing communication strategies to keep the masses constantly informed about the firm's brands and products. This may involve:

  • Adapting Marketing Messages
  • Utilizing Social Media for Authentic Engagement
  • Pausing Insensitive Campaigns

Delving Deeper: Crisis communication and marketing are two key aspects organizations must consider, especially when running a business.

The harmonization of crisis communication and marketing during hard political periods are critical strategies that should be employed to ensure reputation management. Here's how businesses can achieve this.

  • Maintaining Brand Voice and Values: Companies must ensure that when communicating during a crisis and with customers in general, they adhere to their brand's fundamental values and tone. Maintaining consistency is an essential factor since it helps people develop trust and credibility in the brand's response to the crisis that is being faced.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Crisis response is another factor that raises the importance of a strong CSR strategy, as it will become a powerful weapon when the company is to defend itself from the negative consequences of the crisis.
  • Building Brand Support Through Transparency: There is a great degree of trust put in companies that are transparent within the climate of crisis communication.

Today's world can be described as vague, with politics constantly volatile. Therefore, everyone should strive to employ an integrated approach to crisis management in the event of such storms.


Marketing inspiration can dry up from time to time. Looking at never-ending data reports or thinking about many other routine tasks can stifle the creativity of even the most experienced marketer. Artificial intelligence (AI) exists for that. Forget dystopian visions of robots taking over your marketing department. AI is not here to replace you; Imagine a tireless assistant that can analyze large amounts of customer data, spotting emerging trends that might escape even the most observant eye. AI can become your powerful and indispensable strategic partner, leveraging human creativity to help you create powerful, data-driven, effective strategies, offer innovative campaign concepts and personalized messaging strategies based on real-time insights.

AI: Performance Enhancer

Imagine a world where the routine tasks that consume your time—analyzing data, planning social media, and creating accounts—disappear into automated obscurity. This is not science fiction; AI can handle the routine, giving you more time to develop strategy and creative campaigns. Perhaps we agree that the number of routine tasks can stifle innovation. Embracing this bold change helps us focus on creating innovative campaigns that resonate precisely with audiences.

From data to insights

AI goes beyond mere automation; It is the best helper in terms of data processing. Imagine a powerful artificial intelligence engine that observes and analyzes massive data, revealing trends. It's not just about key demographics; AI can explore the depths of consumer sentiment on social media, website interactions, and purchasing behavior. Result? A detailed and dynamic portrait of your ideal customer. With these insights, messages and offers can be personalized as much as possible for the best results. This in turn will lead not only to higher conversion rates, but also to a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving customer journey.

Case: Netflix's AI-powered recommendations

Netflix's success story using AI goes beyond simply suggesting shows you might like. It serves as a masterclass in using artificial intelligence to personalize the entire user experience and optimize content creation. This not only personalizes the user experience, but also facilitates content creation by identifying genres and topics that accurately reflect the interests of their users. In more detail:

  • The magic of micro-targeting: Imagine having a crystal ball that shows you what your audience wants - their favorite actors, their preferred genres, and even the times of day they're most likely to watch. This allows Netflix to show you thumbnails (small pictures) and recommend shows you might really like. Netflix uses AI to conduct A/B testing on a massive scale. Various thumbnails, trailers and even descriptions are presented to users and AI analyzes which ones generate the most clicks and views. This data-driven approach enables continuous optimization.
  • Content is King, and AI Knows the Court: Gone are the days when content development depended solely on instinct. Netflix's AI analyzes viewing trends and completion rates, even where scrolling occurred. This gives them the opportunity to create content that caters to specific audience segments and increases engagement. Similarly, AI can analyze consumer behavior and social media sentiment to predict what kind of content will resonate with your target audience, allowing you to develop marketing campaigns that are more successful.
  • Predicting the Unpredictable: Consumer behavior can be erratic, but Netflix's AI is constantly learning and evolving. By analyzing large amounts of data, it can predict which shows are likely to be hits and which ones might not. That same level of predictive power can be incredibly valuable to marketers as well. AI can analyze market trends, competitor strategies, and even social media feedback to help you anticipate customer needs and tailor your communications accordingly.

Adaptation and development in the age of AI

Marketing is constantly evolving, and AI represents a major shift that resistance to can hinder progress. Instead, we should look at artificial intelligence as an opportunity to improve skills to achieve greater success.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards AI is crucial. Focusing on the potential benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency, deeper customer analysis, and the ability to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

We shouldn't be afraid to experiment with new AI tools and marketing strategies. "Fail fast, learn faster" approach allows for quick adaptation.

The indispensable person: creativity and empathy

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool, but it lacks the creativity and empathy of humans to develop compelling narratives that resonate emotionally. Understanding people's moods on an emotional level and making real connections with your audience remains your exclusive opportunity. Artificial intelligence cannot replace the human ability to translate data into compelling brand stories. Think about it - who will write an emotional brand story that you can't read without tears? It's you, the creative genius behind the wheel.

A masterpiece of collaboration: humans and AI in harmony

The future of marketing is not a competition between humans and artificial intelligence; It is a masterpiece of collaboration. Imagine: AI builds data-driven insights, uncovering customers' hidden desires and emotional triggers. You then translate this information into compelling brand stories that resonate with your audience on an emotional level. This synergistic approach leads to effective, data-driven marketing campaigns that drive brand loyalty and long-term success.

The future of marketing is collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence. You can discover a new era of marketing efficiency. This future promises not only efficiency and meaningful insights, but also deeper analysis of the customer journey map, allowing for the truly meaningful connections that drive brand loyalty and long-term success.