Tinatin Rukhadze - Insights

For almost two months, our country has faced a serious political crisis. By initiating the so-called "Russian law," the government has openly opposed the Georgian people's desire to join the European family and democratic world. This decision was finalized on May 27. Growing up in the Soviet Union, I understand the realities of authoritarianism, restricted freedom, and inequality. Having witnessed and participated in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the building of a free Georgia, I deeply grasp the significance of democracy and European values. Based on experience, I can assess our country's risks and opportunities if the people's will does not prevail in this struggle. This is why all my thoughts and emotions now revolve around our country's fate and this political crisis.

The article addresses the challenges faced by organizational leaders during political crises. In light of current events, I aim to explore and answer several critical questions: What implications does a political crisis hold for leaders of private organizations? How can leaders manage stress effectively? How can they maintain or restore their leadership strength when they themselves are facing difficulties? And, how can they guide their team and organization through such turbulent times?

Challenges of Domestic Political Crisis

 First, we must agree that a political crisis within a country is significantly different from other types of crises, such as an economic crisis or a war with an external enemy.

During an economic crisis, the rules of the business game change, market conditions shift, and the private sector's status quo is altered. Businesses need to recognize the symptoms of a crisis in time, quickly adapt to changes, think creatively, and take bold steps.

In a war, all the factors of an economic crisis are present, with the added threat to organizations and people's lives. Faced with an existential threat, all other threats pale in comparison. Fighting an external enemy stimulates patriotism, unity, and mutual support. In this situation, business interests, ambitions, and goals take a backseat, and leaders focus primarily on the survival of the people and the country.

A domestic political crisis is very different in nature. There may not be an immediate economic or existential threat, but it is a war of values. Values are the foundation of our "self," and our identity and belonging (to relatives, colleagues, friends, or country) are under attack. If the crisis is not overcome in time, there is a long-term risk of an economic crisis, loss of freedom, and existential danger. In such a situation, people may have to fight for survival not against an enemy but with a loved one, as we have seen in recent Georgian history.

Therefore, in my opinion, an internal political crisis is the most difficult situation for leaders. To navigate it, leaders must have great inner strength, caution, and courage.

Leadership strategies

Fear, stress, anger, irritation, emotional agitation, a complete lack of energy, difficulty focusing on work, a feeling of weakness, a sudden desire to fight, the desire to give up everything, a sense of responsibility and shame for one's weakness, calling out to oneself, taking action, and then again fear, stress, anger... Do these emotional roller coasters sound familiar? If so, I'd like to reassure you that this is a natural reaction to the challenges described above. Moreover, this emotional background is common to everyone, not just leaders.

Now imagine an organization where all employees and leaders are in this emotional state... It's a bleak scenario indeed. Every leader realizes that finding a way out of this situation is their responsibility, but the main question is how. How do we lead effectively in such chaos? How do we maintain our emotional equilibrium, clarity of thought, and resilience? More importantly, how can we harness the energy of stress within our organization and transform it into a force for positive change and growth?

Reflecting on these challenges, I've embarked on a personal quest to uncover strategies that enable me to fulfill my leadership duties with clarity and purpose each day. And now, I invite you to join me in this exploration. Let's share our insights, our triumphs, and even our struggles. Together, we can navigate these turbulent waters and emerge as transformational leaders, guiding our organizations through the storms towards calmer shores.

1. Accept Reality: If there is no problem - there is no solution. Therefore, not recognizing what is happening to us—both the current events in the country and our emotional stress—means leaving reality. The first step is to accept reality. We must correctly assess the scale of the crisis, the risks facing our organizations, and the degree of stress on ourselves and our team members. Acceptance of an unwelcome reality serves as the foundation for effective problem-solving.

2. Stay Informed: In times of crisis, staying informed about current developments is imperative for making well-informed and prompt decisions.

3. Prioritize Self-Care: To support others, the leader must be resourceful himself/herself. Leaders often make the critical mistake of focusing solely on solving problems during a crisis and forgetting to take care of themselves. A leader's physical, mental, and emotional well-being is directly related to their resourcefulness. Self-neglect weakens and exhausts the leader, diminishing their ability to make effective decisions. Even amidst high stress, dedicating time to self-care routines can provide surprising strength. For instance, incorporating daily exercise, meditation, or pursuing personal interests can significantly contribute to maintaining physical and emotional resilience.

4. Create A Supportive Environment: Leaders, like everyone else, experience fears, anxieties, and vulnerabilities. During times of crisis, it's essential to surround oneself with a supportive network of individuals who provide strength and energy. Whether it's family, friends, partners, or professional support like psychologists, drawing upon external sources of support is crucial for resilience.

5. Share Responsibility: Effective leadership entails sharing both power and responsibility with the team. Particularly in times of crisis, leaders should not bear the burden alone. Trusting the management team, fostering open discussions about risks and challenges, making collective decisions, delegating tasks, and jointly assuming responsibility for outcomes are vital strategies for navigating crises and managing stress.

6. Empathy and Effective Communication: Internal political conflict is one of the most difficult crises because society is divided and opposed to each other. We should not forget that an organization is also a community—a community united around one idea and goal. Consequently, the division that exists in society is likely to appear in the organization as well (especially in large organizations). If the responsibility for stabilizing society and the situation across the country falls on the government, within the organization, this responsibility rests with the leader and the management team. Therefore, the leader and management team must ensure effective communication within the organization, eliminate conflicts and restore or strengthen trust among employees. This can be achieved by bringing common interests to the fore and relegating differences to the background. For example, “We all want this country to develop”; “We all want more stability and security”; “We are all in this crisis together, and the consequences (both good and bad) will affect everyone”.

7. Leading by Example with Values-Based Decisions: In the context of internal political controversy and such an underdeveloped democracy as Georgia, publicly stating an opinion contrary to the government's position is risky. The leader of any private company is aware of this risk, which is not only related to the potential loss of business or income but also to the jobs and safety of employees. Therefore, leaders who do not share the ruling power's position on the "Law on the Transparency of the Influence of Foreign Powers" (the so-called Russian law) face a big dilemma. If they raise their voice and openly protest the government's decision, they risk their own and the organization's well-being. On the other hand, if they do not speak out or support the ruling force contrary to their beliefs, they lose self-respect and the trust of their employees, ultimately morally destroying the organization.

Advising leaders on this issue is challenging. However, one thing remains clear: leaders will have to make a choice and assume responsibility for the associated consequences


"Even the procurement of a simple teapot in our organization requires approval from the director," shared a manager of a prominent Georgian company during an interview conducted as part of an organizational diagnosis. Micromanagement and a lack of delegation are pervasive challenges among senior and middle managers. This management approach is one of the foremost barriers to organizational advancement. Let's explore its adverse effects on 3 levels: the employee, the manager, and the organization.

Employee Level:

Reduced Responsibility: Under constant control and task instruction, employees lose a sense of ownership over their activities. Consequently, they feel less accountable for the outcomes.

Decreased Work Quality: Micromanaged employees often lack a comprehensive understanding of their tasks' broader context and purpose. Without clear guidance from their manager, they struggle to deliver high-quality work that aligns with organizational goals.

Impeded Growth: When employees are inundated with detailed instructions rather than given tasks matching their skill level, their professional development suffers. Additionally, micromanagement discourages risk-taking and learning from mistakes, hindering personal and career growth.

Demotivation: Research underscores the importance of feeling valued and having autonomy in the workplace for maintaining high motivation levels. In micromanaged environments, employees feel neither important nor free within their areas of expertise. This lack of recognition and autonomy breeds dissatisfaction and can lead to increased toxicity in the workplace or even prompt employees to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Manager Level:

1. Stress and Burnout: Micromanagers often find themselves overwhelmed by the perceived irresponsibility of their team members. They bear the weight of decision-making alone, wondering why the burden of results seems to rest solely on their shoulders. This constant pressure inevitably leads to heightened stress levels and eventual burnout.

2. Relationship Deterioration: The stress and burnout experienced by micromanagers frequently spill over into their interactions with team members. Feelings of unfairness, anger, and frustration brew, souring the manager-employee dynamic. This can manifest as subtle hostility or open aggression, eroding trust and damaging relationships within the team.

3. Stunted Development: Caught in the cycle of micromanagement, managers have little time or energy to focus on their growth and development. Their incessant need for control precludes the exploration of new skills or opportunities for advancement. Additionally, their perceived indispensability impedes any possibility of transitioning to new roles or seeking promotion, leading to their career stagnation despite their desire for change.

Organizational Level:

1. Decreased Productivity: Micromanagement stifles employees' ability to fully leverage their skills and potential, resulting in suboptimal performance. Moreover, by burdening managers with excessive responsibility and control, the organization inadvertently creates a bottleneck that hampers its effectiveness. Consequently, overall productivity suffers, impeding the organization's ability to achieve its goals.

2. Diminished Creativity and Innovation: Under the constraints of micromanagement, employees find themselves spending more time awaiting directives from managers rather than exploring new ideas or initiatives. This stifling environment fosters a culture of passivity, where individuals hesitate to take initiative for fear of reprisal. Consequently, creativity is stifled, and innovative solutions remain untapped, hindering the organization's ability to adapt and thrive.

3. Unhealthy Organizational Climate: Micromanagement erodes trust between employees and managers, fostering mutual dissatisfaction and undermining collaboration. Low productivity and dissatisfaction with outcomes become the norm, fueling both, silent and open conflicts, within the organization. This toxic atmosphere becomes a daily source of stress for both - managers and employees alike, sowing discord and impeding progress.

However, despite the evident drawbacks of micromanagement, why do managers persist in adopting this leadership style? Based on my observations, micromanagement stems from three primary factors:

1. Belief: Managers strongly believe that constant oversight and task delegation are essential for ensuring work quality and achieving optimal results. They presume that by permanent monitoring and assigning tasks, they can maintain control and uphold standards.

2. Desire: Micromanagers harbor a deep-seated desire to feel indispensable and valued within the organization. Consciously or unconsciously, they consistently emphasize their importance, often expressing sentiments such as, "No one can do it like I can" or "Nothing gets done without me." These expressions betray an underlying craving for security and recognition.

3. Fear: Micromanagers are driven by an underlying fear of competition and the potential loss of their position within the organization. Subconsciously, they dread the idea of work progressing without their direct involvement, questioning their relevance and necessity. This fear of being sidelined or replaced fuels their need for control, leading them to tightly restrict their employees' areas of responsibility.

In essence, micromanagement is fueled by a combination of deeply ingrained beliefs, desires for validation, and subconscious fears. These factors perpetuate a cycle of control and restriction, hindering both individual and organizational growth.

Ultimately, the key lies in transforming a micromanager into an effective leader. If you resonate with the aforementioned insights, the roadmap to this transformation becomes clearer: To instill the art of delegation in managers, we must first address their underlying beliefs, desires, and fears.

The initial step entails guiding them to RECOGNIZE the detrimental impacts of micromanagement on themselves, their teams, and the organization as a whole. By illuminating these losses and negative effects, we pave the way for a paradigm shift.

Subsequently, we must present an alternative reality — a VISION of the possibilities that emerge once liberated from the confines of micromanagement. Helping managers envision a future where they play a more strategic and influential role fuels their motivation to relinquish control and foster the growth of their team members and successors. Encouraging them to visualize themselves in elevated positions or more engaging roles ignites the drive to pursue their development path fervently.

Lastly, consistent and tailored SUPPORT is paramount in nurturing their journey toward effective leadership. Equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills combined with ongoing guidance and mentorship ensures they navigate the transition with confidence and efficacy. By embracing this holistic approach, we empower micromanagers to shed their restrictive tendencies and emerge as visionary leaders who inspire and empower their teams to achieve greatness.


Just as individuals retain memories of significant events, organizations too possess a collective memory that shapes their present and future trajectories. Whether marked by triumphs or tribulations, these experiences become ingrained within the organizational psyche, profoundly influencing its evolution. This article delves into the realm of organizational trauma, shedding light on how certain experiences can hinder transformative growth.

Like individuals, some organizations glean wisdom from their encounters, while others remain ensnared by unaddressed trauma. Today, we explore instances where organizational trauma manifests as a barrier to progress and development.

Common Forms of Organizational Trauma:

  1. Partner conflicts: Conflict between partners often catalyzes significant organizational upheaval. At times, this conflict runs so deep that it results in the polarization of employees into opposing camps and eventual separation. Even after the resolution of partner conflicts, lingering traces of discord and mistrust among teams within the organization are not uncommon.
  2. Leadership Transitions: The upheaval caused by changes in leadership can instill fear and uncertainty, impeding both organizational and individual momentum.
  3. Reorganization: Significant structural changes, such as mergers or reorganizations, evoke feelings of instability and insecurity among the workforce
  4. Financial Crisis: It is often the case that companies are grappling with the lingering effects of the financial crisis over an extended period. Despite witnessing improvements in their financial standing, these companies frequently find themselves entrenched in a perpetual 'survival mode,' unable to transition into a proactive 'development mode.' Consequently, their capacity for innovation, product development, and overall business growth is severely hindered.
  5. Workplace Incidents: Tragic events, such as workplace injuries or fatalities, cast a long shadow over organizational culture, eroding psychological safety.
  6. Harassment and Discrimination: Instances of harassment, mockery, violence, and discrimination not only inflict trauma upon the individuals targeted but also sow seeds of fear, conflict, and hostility throughout the organization. Similarly, cases of favoritism can exert equally detrimental effects. Such preferential treatment isn't easily forgotten within organizational settings and frequently permeates across all levels, establishing itself as the norm and fostering the cultivation of a toxic culture.
  7. Leadership misconduct and unethical behavior - Unethical conduct by a leader has the potential to erode trust across the organization, instilling feelings of betrayal among employees. In such instances, not only are the company's values undermined, but also faith in its growth and promising future diminishes. This, in turn, triggers an exodus of valuable employees and fosters profound demotivation among those who remain, ultimately resulting in the degradation of the company.
  8. Critical events that result in significant reputational or financial damage to the organization – E.g. large-scale fraud, negative public reactions towards the brand or its communication efforts, or substantial fines imposed by regulatory bodies - often have a lasting impact on the organization. In such cases stress levels among employees escalate, giving rise to heightened mistrust, mutual accusations, and confrontations. Organizations that struggle to effectively manage crises often adopt a "victim" mentality, fostering pervasive distrust and relying on control and micromanagement as dominant management strategies.

Management within organizations frequently fails to recognize or acknowledge the existence of these traumas. The most effective approach to enhancing organizational awareness, akin to individual introspection, is through regular reflection. Organizations that prioritize self-reflection, possess well-honed analytical and evaluative tools, and foster a healthy organizational culture where "learning from mistakes" is embraced, are adept at identifying significant events associated with traumatic experiences.

In practice, instances occur where the management team's evaluation of different events significantly diverges. For example, decisions such as product discontinuation, company rebranding, the addition of new management personnel, or changes in leadership may be perceived positively by some team members while deemed irreversible mistakes by others. Such contrasting evaluations pose challenges in reaching consensus on future visions and strategies. Therefore, it is essential for the management team to reconcile differing opinions, thoroughly evaluate events from multiple perspectives, and ultimately unite around a singular vision to drive the company's progress.

In summary, much like individuals, organizations are susceptible to traumatic experiences. While it's crucial to prioritize risk prevention, it's also essential to acknowledge that eliminating all potential internal and external risks is practically unattainable. So, what's the solution? We believe, alongside risk mitigation efforts, fostering organizational resilience and a willingness to learn from adversity is paramount.

Every trauma comprises two components: pain and experience. Reactive organizations dwell on the pain, succumbing to prolonged fear and mistrust, whereas proactive entities swiftly rebound from adversity, leveraging their experiences to fuel growth and bolster resilience. By embracing challenges as learning opportunities, organizations can transform painful events into valuable experiences that fortify their foundations and propel them forward.


In the year 2024, businesses are encountering significant transformative changes. Geopolitical instability and climate change have created an immediate demand for businesses to achieve self-sufficiency and foster resilience. Simultaneously, technological advancements, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), hold the potential to revolutionize every facet of our lives. Nurturing a business during this crucial juncture necessitates striking a careful balance between upholding sustainability, harnessing digital technology, and maximizing human potential.

The purpose of this article is to assist business managers in effectively managing these challenges and, furthermore, to offer them a guiding vision for successfully navigating and expanding their businesses within this intricate landscape.

Business Sustainability - Challenges and Opportunities

Sustainability becomes a strategic imperative for businesses in 2024. Resistance to change and environmental challenges, increased competitiveness, stable and long-term development are not only business needs but also the basic requirements of consumers and investors.

Below, we discuss important factors that will influence the formation of the business environment in Georgia in 2024 and, accordingly, the sustainability of business. One of the priorities for business managers should be to prepare to respond effectively to these anticipated challenges and opportunities.

Geopolitical Factors

Georgia is located in a complex geopolitical landscape in which regional reorganizations are taking place. In light of the Russian-Ukrainian war, there is growing concern for the stability of our country and the security of our borders. No less of a risk factor is the growing likelihood of conflicts in the Middle East. These factors may have a negative impact on trade, tourism, investment, and commodity prices. Therefore, businesses should be careful about geopolitical risks and develop action plans in emergency (crisis) situations. It should also be noted here that there is a need to tighten cybersecurity measures because security today extends not only beyond physical borders.

We cannot ignore the local political context – in particular, the 2024 parliamentary elections. Elections are always associated with political conflicts and growing uncertainty. This, on the one hand, leads to lower consumer and purchasing sentiment, and on the other hand, to increased investor caution. Consequently, businesses will need to mobilize more resources to communicate with both customers and investors.

Economic Factors

Among economic factors, one of the most important positive factors for our country is obtaining the status of a candidate country for the European Union. Positive expectations for the country's economic growth in 2024 are associated with this event. According to the World Bank[1], the country's economic growth is expected to be 4.8%, and inflation is expected to be within 2.5%. Economic growth and consistently low inflation are important prerequisites for business sustainability.

Georgia's free trade agreements with several countries and ongoing negotiations with other countries regarding access to foreign markets also present significant business opportunities. However, it should be noted that first the pandemic, then the war in Ukraine, conflicts in the Middle East, and the global economic slowdown caused significant disruptions in the supply chain (e.g. delays, funnel effect). This factor may hurt Georgian exports. Accordingly, diversification of export markets, strategic alliances, and the introduction of modern logistics technologies are becoming important strategies for business. Trade regulation is another issue that Georgian businesses should take into account. Navigating the complex web of sanctions against Russia and other potential restrictions poses a significant regulatory risk. Therefore, understanding and complying with the legal framework is critical. Here, we should not forget about EU trade rules, compliance with which will be one of the main challenges in the coming years.

Another important economic risk factor is dependence on Russian energy resources. Accordingly, it becomes important for Georgia to prioritize achieving energy independence through the development of renewable energy sources and deepening regional energy partnerships. Georgia's potential in hydropower and solar energy becomes even more important for energy independence and sustainability. This provides opportunities for private businesses to attract green investments and use green technologies.

Climate change, the environment, and security

Experience has shown that Georgia is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as floods and droughts. Accordingly, adaptation to climate change should be one of the country's priorities. On the other hand, businesses must ensure their security and resilience by ensuring climate risks and investing in climate change adaptation.

In 2024, food security and sustainable agriculture will be no less a priority for Georgia. Focusing on sustainable farming practices and local food production is becoming increasingly important, ensuring food security and reducing dependence on imports. From a business perspective, the attractiveness of agriculture and local food production will increase.

Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of business

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt industries like never before. It provides incredible results in terms of data processing and analysis, optimization, and automation of workflows. From personalized healthcare to smart cities, the possibilities of artificial intelligence are endless. However, as well as opportunities, this also creates the risk of occupational change, workforce movement, and increased inequality among employees. Businesses should, therefore, focus on reskilling and upskilling their workforce to ensure that everyone benefits from the technological leap. It should be noted here that the security of personal information and the ethical use of technology are particularly pressing issues, which require responsibility, transparency, ethical practices, and security measures regarding the use of technology.

The challenges and opportunities for technological development in Georgia in 2024 are as follows:

Integration of artificial intelligence (AI): The use of AI to automate tasks, analyze data, personalize user experiences, and streamline operations will increase. Thus, companies that are the first to embrace the power of AI will gain a competitive advantage.

• Data-driven decision-making: Integrating data analytics into organizational processes will enable businesses to make data-driven decisions at all levels. To take advantage of this opportunity, businesses must invest in developing relevant competencies within the organization. It will also be important to make changes to decision-making processes and systems.

• Cybersecurity: As mentioned above, increasing regional tensions increase the vulnerability of Georgian businesses to cyber-attacks. Investing in cybersecurity measures and increasing employee awareness is becoming critical.

• Cloud technologies: The attractiveness of cloud technologies will increase as they offer businesses scalability, flexibility, and cost-effective solutions.

• Digitalization and e-commerce: Dependence on online platforms and e-commerce is likely to continue to increase. Georgian businesses will have to adapt and invest in digital marketing and online business tools.

• Studying new technologies: The study of blockchain, metaverse, and other new technologies is becoming attractive due to the huge potential they have in terms of industry breakthroughs and new business opportunities. It is expected that we will see more startups in this direction.

• Potential as a technology hub: Georgia's low taxes, technological youth, and strategic location make it a potential IT and creative industry hub. Georgia has the potential to attract technology companies and stimulate innovation in sectors such as cybersecurity, financial technology, and artificial intelligence.

Human potential is the main capital of business

Artificial intelligence is more efficient than humans in analyzing data and performing repetitive tasks. However, it cannot replace the unique human qualities of creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. Overall, as the ability to use technology and artificial intelligence increases, so will the demand for human capital that can effectively interact with and use these technologies. Therefore, in 2024, it becomes important for businesses to develop these qualities and competencies in their employees. Companies that invest in employee well-being and development, encourage teamwork, and instill a culture of continuous learning will gain a competitive advantage. In the era of artificial intelligence, the true competitive advantage of a business will be its ability to adapt, innovate, and solve complex problems.

The main challenges and opportunities for business in Georgia in 2024 in the area of human capital are as follows Flexibility for hybrid and remote work: After the pandemic, many companies tried to return to traditional modes of operation. Some even implemented strict office-only policies. However, practice shows that this requirement is increasingly irrelevant today, and the flexibility of hybrid and remote work has become an important factor in attracting and retaining talent. Employees, especially the younger generation, are not ready to go back to the past and openly or quietly protest against it. Consequently, hybrid work models are expected to become the norm, forcing business leaders to think about new approaches and forms of communication for managing collaboration, engagement, and maintenance.

• Skills and upskilling: Technological developments have changed the education and skills paradigm. Today, education involves constant learning and development, mastering new competencies, and caring about increasing emotional intelligence. Hence, it is important for businesses to focus on creating a development-oriented work culture and invest in employee training and development.

• Prioritize employee well-being: Experience and research have shown that, despite high competence and extensive experience, people's performance suffers significantly when their mental or physical well-being is compromised. Therefore, creating a psychologically safe environment for employees, and prioritizing their physical and mental well-being, will be one of the most important business tasks. Accordingly, investment in training, mental health, personal development, and physical health programs will increase.

• Empathetic and people-oriented leadership: Gone are the days of charismatic, strict, "all-powerful," and "all-knowing" leaders. Today, the competence or ability to make decisions solely in the hands of a few poses the greatest threat to a business, as it loses flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly. Accordingly, maximizing human potential at all levels, providing maximum independence and autonomy to employees within their competence, as well as ensuring effective coordination between employees and teams, have become the main tasks of organizations today. Therefore, today's leaders must prioritize empathy, communication, and building trust with employees. Openness to feedback and developing a culture of teamwork will be key to business growth.2024 is not just an ordinary year - it is a turning point - a year of change. The choices a business makes now – at the intersection of sustainability, technological capabilities, and human potential – will determine its future. For business today, development means a paradigm shift, which forces it to reconsider its business model, development strategy, and leadership concept; becoming more ethical and responsible towards society and the environment, becoming faster, learning more to be able to take advantage of technology, and most importantly, becoming more people-oriented because it is human skills and potential that become increasingly important capital in the modern era. And if a business can cope with these transformative changes, it will not only survive but thrive and make significant positive changes in its environment.

Source: Forbes Georgia

[1] https://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/global-economic-prospects


Believe in yourselves, dream big, and soar high because the truth is, for the potential of both men and women, the sky is the limit!

On November 8, a joint conference of the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNA) and the World Federation of United Nations Associations Partnership for Impact Tbilisi Conference: from Blueprints to Breakthroughs took place.

The conference included a panel discussion "The Role of Partnerships in Advancing Gender Equality", where attention was focused on the multifaceted aspects of gender equality and women's empowerment. Panelists emphasized the need for women's active participation in public life, which leads to more stable societies. Challenging conditioned beliefs about male superiority was encouraged, and opportunities and empowerment were advocated without judgment. The need to support women to break the glass ceiling was acknowledged, and the importance of empowering women in technology was highlighted. Overall, the panel emphasized the importance of collaboration and empowerment as essential tools for advancing gender equality.

Tinatin Rukhadze, the founder of ACT, business leader and management consultant, served as a keynote speaker on the panel. During her speech, titled "From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women”, Tinatin Rukhadze addressed the prevalent challenges and barriers often experienced by women.

We're thrilled to share Tinatin Rukhadze’s inspiring speech, From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women, in its entirety, unaltered and powerful, as she shares her journey and insights!

From Self-Doubt to Success: Empowering Women

Let me share my personal story, one that I hope will inspire you. I was fortunate to be raised by an incredibly strong woman, my grandmother, who played a leading role in our family. From a young age, I never perceived women as weak. This belief became the guiding principle of my life, and it led to remarkable journeys and accomplishments. Yet, to my surprise, one day I discovered that the most significant obstacle to my personal growth and the realization of my potential was tied to my own identity as a woman.

We founded our company, ACT, in 2002, and in the years that followed, we experienced rapid growth. By 2008, we became the largest research company in Georgia, and by 2014, we had expanded to include offices in Baku and Almaty. However, from 2014, our company's growth began to stagnate, and the old formula for success no longer yielded results. As the company's managing partner and visionary leader, I was deeply troubled by this. I continually asked myself, "What are we doing wrong? What changes are needed to reignite our growth?" But the answers remained elusive.

One day, I traveled to our Almaty Office for business. I chose to utilize the four long hours of the flight for a deep introspection. My thoughts were fixated on the same unresolved questions. "Why can't I generate new ideas? Why can't I find a solution?" I kept asking myself. After a series of "whys," my subconscious delivered a shocking response: "because you are a woman." I was taken aback by my own thoughts. How could I, an advocate for the strength and equality of women, harbor such limiting beliefs? I recalled instances where I had been told, "you have the brain of a man," "you think like a man," "you are brave like a man," and I realized that deep down, I had been conditioned to believe in the superiority of men. Despite "thinking like a man," I am not a man. So, I had unwittingly limited my own success, believing that, as a strong woman, I could never achieve as much as a man could.

The discovery and subsequent release of this limiting belief brought about radical changes in both my life and my business. With a new vision, we transformed ACT's business model and developed a consulting division. Today, the company is three times larger than it was in 2014, operating in 34 countries, and we believe there are no limits to our growth.

My journey and interactions with other women entrepreneurs have taught me three important lessons:

First: The most significant barrier to women's development is often their own limiting beliefs, which can be deeply ingrained and go unrecognized. These beliefs are often fostered by family, education, societal norms, and real-life inequalities. Common limiting beliefs include "I'm not good enough," "I don't deserve more success," "I can't do it," "I can't change," "It's not worth it," "I can't trust people," and "No one will help me."

The second major barrier is the fear of failure, the fear of societal condemnation (fear of being labeled as inadequate wives or mothers), and even the fear of success itself (fearing significant changes and societal disapproval for being seen as ambitious careerists).

Lastly, the third barrier is the lack of a supportive environment, be it in the form of people or systems that empower women, provide access to resources, or offer emotional support.

In closing, to empower women, I encourage you:

Don't say no; give us a chance.

Don't test us; share with us.

Don't judge us; empower us.

And, to all women, I would say: believe in yourselves, dream big, and soar high because the truth is, for the potential of both men and women, the sky is the limit!


Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.


Backsliding occurs when there is no progress. Stability does not equal the absence of change, it is only the result of sustainable development. In the digital age, the world is changing at an astonishing rate, and businesses are left with two choices: to either glide on the waves of change like surfers or to disappear under them.

The pandemic has accelerated the cascade of change even more – it changed people, their emotions, social life, and priorities. As a result, the business ecosystem and the rules of the game have also changed, including different industry perspectives, demand for products and services, consumer behavior and preferences, product/service selection criteria, supply channels, brand communication content and style: to put it concisely, everything has changed.

As a result, it is hard to come across a business that does not require a business model or organizational transformation in order to survive or, conversely, to seize new opportunities. The success of a business today is directly related to how timely it acknowledges the need for transformation and how well it manages this very process.

There are multiple signs that indicate the need for transformation in a company's business model or organizational setting. 6 unmistakable symptoms are as follows:

  • Failure to seize the potential of the market and unsatisfactory growth rate;
  • Slowing down of the growth rate/tendency of downsizing;
  • Declining of the dynamics of efficiency and profitability;
  • The outflow of valuable staff or an unhealthy organizational climate;
  • Lack of creativity and innovation;
  • Feeling of stagnation, “walking in circles” or backsliding;

Let us be more specific: if you have not enjoyed the results of your business or the situation in the company for a long time, but despite various attempts, you are unable to change the unwanted status quo, know that the company is in a desperate need of transformation.

Recognizing and acknowledging the need for transformation is a necessary but insufficient condition for the success of a business. It is important for the company’s management team to understand that transformation is so much more than a change of individual parts; rather, the transformation has to be complete.

Analyzing several cases of failure reveals that most companies make a fatal mistake at this very point: they are trying to localize the problem, solve it effectively with minimal costs, or seize the opportunity with minimal resources and outdated approaches. Behind this, of course, are rational motives such as saving time, cost-effectiveness, following a path that has been taken before, the ambition to find the quickest solutions, and more.

However, this approach is ultimately very costly for the company due to it being impossible to achieve large transformational outcomes with small changes. As a result, the company will have wasted its resources or even worse: with the unsuccessful attempts, the company’s management team becomes frustrated, ultimately leading to the shaking of trust and sowing nihilism among the employees when it comes to the company’s management and its future in general.

We have been observing the process of business transformation in ACT for 19 years both in and outside of Georgia. We have accumulated experience and have created a unique model of organizational transformation and management, which we call “the Power of Three”. According to the philosophy of PWR3, the success of any kind of transformation depends on the unity, balance and permanence of these three forces: the power of creativity, the power of order and the power of change.

In the organizational context, we consider three main driving forces of company development and success: (1) vision – (creativity), (2) culture – (order) and (3) execution – (change).

According to our approach, the transformation of a company begins with the renewal of its vision. The second stage of change is the formation of an organizational culture relevant to this new vision, while the third stage of change regards the transformation of organizational systems, processes, and the mobilization of resources needed to achieve new vision and goals.

Our model offers the organization leadership to think and make decisions consistent with regards to these three dimensions: vision, culture, execution. We believe that the decisions bringing the best results are the ones that: 1) serve the company’s vision and main goals, whilst 2) aligning with the company’s values and taking into account the interests of its employees, and 3) the company has to have tangible resources needed for the execution. In other words, PWR3 is not only a model for the transformation of the organization, but also for its effective management, helping the management of the company make consistent and effective decisions, which, in turn, contributes to the sustainable development of the company.

THE POWER OF THREE®’s unique philosophy, model and working principles enables ACT to play a special role in transforming its customers. As a result of PWR3®, the signs of transformation in the organization are clear and visible:

  • Employees ignited by the sense of mission.
  • Common vision and priorities, effective managerial solutions.
  • Organizational values and norms of behaviour are respected and shared by all employees.
  • Increased creativity and innovation.
  • Processes for people and results, not process for the process itself.
  • Focus on customers and creating maximum value for them.
  • Achieving goals, growing and developing.
  • Establishing self-confidence, development and awareness of success in leadership.
  • Improving financial performance.

PWR3 is the power of change that, on the one hand, helps organizations become more resilient in the face of new challenges and, on the other hand, boosts their creativity and openness towards opportunities. We believe that along with a sense of the uniqueness of the mission, it is these qualities that make good companies into extraordinary ones.

See the original article here.